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About Conspiracy

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  1. ​i dont think this have anything to do with pk scroll,they can go feed their pet anw ​maybe they wont feed the pet but they will be able to drop they gear thats the real deal whit the PK count under 5 pk they dont drop GM wants make money well put PK scroll 5 euro each and also put back the sin eather... its a pay to win game so make them pay for the PK if they dont want work for the SIN and drop they gear. that will balance and reduce the harassment of the other ppl . when u have to 5 euro for remove PK you will think a bit more befor to do the action and GM want money so thats a win win i guess
  2. WHERE is the damn SIN EATER this is completely stupid whit the PK scroll and whit the combination of the DEATH CERTIFICATE HELLO WAKE UP GM this is killing the game .Thing will happen if nothing is made the server will die cause lack of hunting zone because it take for ever to get update. Not only that you(GM) planing remove content from it. Once that update is up i hope the next patch 1.5 will be already on the way because this situation will be out of control to the point where the sever will go home lan server and no one will play . This is not a way to make business . SO we need update/ put the SIN EATHER/ world Event / fix the XP lost 10% to 8% for lvl 40 and less / 4% xp lost for lvl 41 + . Also the find a new way to pay to win whit the COL to balance the game whitout PK scroll and death certificate,replace it whit BUFF SCROLL i mean all buff not just WW and shield . the COL system AS TO BE a way to help the player somehow to progress ... not to sing the death of the server because now the pain is made and if no one do something to balance the COL system to help the player progress and i mean it this going no where. the PK scroll DOES NOT HELP A PLAYER TO PROGRESS !!!!