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  1. ТК 62 лвл ищет КП\Клан почтой в игре IITaIIIkA
  2. ТК 62 лвл ищет КП\Клан. пм/mail в игре IITaIIIkA
  3. Ищу в кп БД 52+ или человека на нашего перса. Прайм 19:00 - 24:00 мск ПМ в игре IITaIIIkA
  4. В скайпе не отвечаешь, отпиши в игре на ник IITaIIIkA
  5. they gives only to first char on acc

    Mobs in EV

    Question about mobs magic usage in EV, all day i farmed in EV, ona moment all Liele and Fline started use magic like machine gun, on delay, i died, after that they stoped use magic at all for ~ 2h, and started again, can any one explain me what happened with mobs?
  7. WTS briga full set WTS Sword of revolution write here or PM in game IITaIIIKa