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Posts posted by iMadeYou

  1. 45 minutes ago, uniwrite said:

    Собственно сабж. Хотелось бы узнать, по какой механике работают руны одала (как повышение количества критических атак, так и, особенно важно повышение силы крита).

    Чтобы избежать банальных ответов - уточню суть вопроса на примере руны 5 уровня:

    1) Шанс физической крит. атаки (+175). Допустим, у меня шанс крита 80 и я вставляю в оружие эту руну. Следуя логике, шанс крита увеличивается до 255. А это, в свую очередь означает, что я буду критовать в ~3.2 раза чаще. То есть шанс крита увеличивается на 220%. Опять же, это следуя логике, и как по мне - это слишком имбово.

    2) Сила физической крит. атаки (+148). Здесь все намного сложнее и именно механику действия этого эффекта я попрошу описать. Опять же, следуя логике можно понять, как действует эта руна: персонаж с атакой в 100 единиц без пассивных умений и баффов критует ровно на 200 единиц. Соответственно, вставив данную руну, мы увеличим силу крита до 348 единиц. Во-первых, с учетом атаки в 100 - это классно, но если атака 1000 - буст от подобного эффекта становится бесполезным. Но опять же, это если следовать логике. Мне больше интересна механика, и потому продолжим разбирать все на примере атаки в 100. Допустим мы атакуем персонажа, у которого достаточно брони, чтобы уменьшить наш урон вдвое, что приведет к тому, что мы будем наносить ему 50 урона и критовать по 100. Так вот, прибавка от руны одала будет по прежнему добавлять +148 к урону критической атаки или же так же будет снижена вдвое?

    Шанс крит атаки в Alt T 175 реальный % Шанса крит атаки

    175*0.1 = 17.5%
    //Максимум 500 Крит рейт, т.е 50%

    Это не сильно имбово

    (P.Atk*70) + 148*0.2/Enemy P.def ± 5-20% (В Зависимости от типа оружия...)

    Это формулы взять с фогейма, с офф сборки, как тут все настроено могут сказать только админы

  2. 1 hour ago, Mr.Velik said:

    А что было в прошлом году? Какой ивент, какие подарки, какие призы по ивенту?

    Снежинку на опыт,ёлки и игра с призами как во всех эвентах на клабе(свитки,бафы,точки,серты и тд + шапка с рогами новогодняя)

  3. Интересует такой вопрос, опытные фры дайте инфу, думаю такой вариант добавить стр и срезать декс(тк с татухами на - кон ну вообще мало хп) есть ли смысл делать тату на - декс?

  4. Dear friends!

    We start transferring 2.0 features on our test server, plus activated login only with 2.0 client, so right now you will not be able to login with 1.5 client on test server.

    We will upload 2.0 client with our patch when we will be ready to show test server to you.

    When will the transition to 2.0 on the live server?

  5. Now the stuff open to discussion that we want to hear your opinion about and see the reactions to understand if we should add them or not.


    1) Cloak of Light and Cloak of Darkness.


    This was added for castle lords of giran and aden. We do not understand why only for this 2 castles and if we add them it will be for all castles.

    Basiclly the clan who owns a castle can get this cloaks from castle to use them. Cloaks has some small stats (max cp/hp/mp. some defense stats and reflect dmg) but we are more worried about the visual part since it might look more "flashy" then what we like to see.


    2) Daily reward system.


    We were thinking about some kind of daily reward system when player every day when he logs (with 24h interval ofc) can claim some box containing some sort of consumables such as soulshots or even some special coins they can use later to buy some consumables or something around this. Nothing too big but a little something to keep ppl more interested on logging everyday. All these items would be not tradable ofc to avoid ppl logging over 9000 chars and get everything on main char.


    3) Macro icon showing the skill icon instead.

    NCSoft made some changes on macros icons and this one might be interesting or not depending on how ppl sees it. So basically the idea is when you have a macro lets say /useskillforce Tribunal, instead of it showing the normal macro icon, it will show the skill icon but still work as a macro. This will not work if theres many skills on the macro but if theres only 1 skill or few skills it should show the first skill on the macro. We think it might be a coolish feature, not sure if totally necessary and some ppl might prefer to thave their stuff hidden when making videos and such so lets us know what u think about.


    4) PVP zone events.

    So... NCSoft made in this update some kind of pvp zone events which are quite confusing and unappealing and happen on Tuesdays (oO).

    It got us thinking. On something similar but with different dates and different ways to work.

    What we have in mind would be something like on the weekend when theres no siege, a zone like TOI or LOA would become a PVP zone for couple of hours, and special monsters would spawn instead or a special boss with good drops so ppl would be able to finght for it like on siege, but instead of fighting for the castle they would be fighting to assure the boss/monsters control and later the boss/monsters loot.


    5) CP Potions on grocery.


    On offical CP Potions were added to grocery shop. We dont rly know what to do with it. Tho its a good idea to remove some money from game and it also opens possibility that everyone will have access to them, we are not sure if we want to add them or not.

    Theres a couple of good points of having this:

    • Everyone would have access to them so pvps would prolly last a little longer.
    • They are heavy so no one would have big advantage out of this just by having lot of money cuz either way they wont be able to carry many of them in most of classes.
    • By natural stats fighter classes will be able to carry some more then mages giving then the chance to have some extra tankiness while getting in the fight.
    • It will help removing some adena from game.
    • etc...


    So this are the 5 main points open for discussion. Please let us know what you think about them so we can know if to ignore them completely, use them, or just make poll about it. Feel free to comment about the rest of the update features also.

    ​Подскажите когда выходит патч 2.0 ?
    Prompt when patch 2.0 comes out?

  6. Hello,

    Yesterday I've put +4 STR Tattoo and realized that I got +15% P Attack. Also I test my Critical-based abilities on TH and the DMG was not increased. However on EU/KR Classic STR stat was reworked. On Off Classic It gives only 1-1.5% P Attack(Not 3.5%) per STR and also instreases Critical Power, which impacts TH Skills. Can Admins please explain whats going on? 




    STR - does not affect the strength abilities TH on l2c
    There is no exact
    information about a raise STR

    Go to the official classic values measured there with screenshots and come here, without the facts you're just a whiner
    Sorry for my English, Topic closed.