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Posts posted by kayle

  1. Hello classic x3 :) 

    I am about to leave classic innova and come here. 

    I am playing necro 53 on innova and i want to try archer here. 

    First question:is archer party op in 1.3 ? There is any high lvl CP party in the server ? 

    Other question is what archer are the most popular or usefull in 1.3 patch ? I think phantom ranger are powerfull but silver ranger seems to be a nice assassin... What do you think ? 

    I rly want to find à good CP, is archer the best way ? 


  2. Hello,

    I was playing in L2 classic inova since fews mounth but my clan is dead then it's time to leave this RMT server...

    I love classic game and this server seems to be a good option.

    Can you tell me how many online ppl at evening?approximatly ...

    Can you tell me if this server is one sided or balance?

    There is a lot of adena seller?

    I'm going to make a DA ingame,what is the best box for a DA ?


    thx and see you soon ig :)