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About Kaldena

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  • Birthday June 17

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  1. So I just explored the site just now, and saw that you only take Euro currency? There is no way to convert American money? Blah... I feel like the odds are really against me here.
  2. Just wanted to find out if there are any clans that speak English as a main language for communication with each other!
  3. As far as I understood, I thought this was a craft only server - meaning no donations buy you anything other than hair accessories and things along that nature. I'm wondering if there's something I don't know about? I keep seeing people standing around town with top tier weapons that look to be at least +9... Not only am I wondering how the heck they're making the adena to purchase these items but where are they getting the enchant scrolls? The mammon trader? I'm just curious is all really!
  4. Keeps telling me there is a system error..
  5. Blah. Im a little de-motivated. Haven't ran into anyone English speaking ingame. And I've died a good 16 times.
  6. Okay cool - beginning to feel like I'm playing a single player rpg over here heh. Also, did I make a mistake by not creating a dwarf character first? I feel like the drop rate is pretty rough, and I'm having trouble facing mobs my level with starter gear and no buffs.
  7. Is it just because Im a newbie and in the low level areas? I have only run into myabe 6 people so far.
  8. Just wanted to say, that after hours on Reddit, I finally found this server. I'm downloading the client as we speak, and I'm so excited to experience the nostalgia of what Lineage 2 was back in 2004!