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Posts posted by DToeller

  1. we should soon start , people can't wait long ...already go to other servers

    let them go, who cares.

    i'd rather let the development team work on bugs for all the time they need in order to have a decent server working fine, instead of rushing things and being forced to play on a crappy server because some retard can't wait for bug fixes. 


    ​100% agree. Make a good server, not just an available server.

  2. I had an idea for the last 24-48 hours of beta.

    When the devs decide on an end date for OBT, they should level everyone who has completed the second class transfer to 55 or so and set up an NPC selling B Grade gear for cheap.

    I see three reasons for this.

    1. It gives us a chance to test high level elements of the server as well as end game stuff.

    2. It gives people a reason to do the 2nd class change quests.From what I've seen, most people aren't leveling past 40 because  the quests are not worth the frustration and time with the server being wiped. Giving us a reason to go through them would encourage more people to get to their second class.

    3. It rewards the players who have tested the beta for you with a little bit of "screw around time."

    Before anyone starts flaming about "this being classic and we don't want to make things easy," I'm not suggesting any changes to the live server, and since the server would be wiped 24 hours or so after this happens, it would be more about giving us a little bit of play time before beta ends and testing end game stuff.

    I understand this might be more work for the devs than its worth, and I'd rather those efforts go toward making the live server as best as it can be, but it was an idea that popped into my head and I though I'd share it and see what everyone else thought.




  3. I have a lot of fun memories from L2, all from the retail version of the game.

    1. When my clan took Gludio castle.

    2. Our clan had a sub-40 hunt on Wednesday nights to help lower level characters and recruit new people. We had an out of party tank and healer and we would have a few DD's in the party with all the lowbies. Some of us would run around agroeing fettered souls and training them into the tank. The DD's would aoe the mobs and give the lowbies tons of xp. I would usually take off my gear and run around naked. It was a great time.

    3. My first time in Cruma Tower was fun.

    4. All those late nights deep in Anthras Lair in the money room, killing mobs and talking on Teamspeak.

    5. Getting enough money together and crafting my Blue Wolf and Deadman's Glory