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Posts posted by jonek2k3

  1. - reactivate D grade armor quest

    - add newbie npc buff like it is in later chronicles till lvl 20

    - add shadow mid D grade weapons

    problem solved. every1 win.

    ​I don't really think so mate.

    It's blind way imo... Newbies are already receiving free NG stuff.

    They level up faster (with free buffs even much faster) and then hitting 20lvl they simply got problem with D grades....

    You want to gave them free D stuff so again they will get some exp boos until 40lvl and then what?

    Free C grades and buffs?

    You're proposing to give ppl fishes when they really need to learn how to fish by them self s ;)

    We (who plays here from very beginning) were running with crappy gear without using shots and we survived somehow.

    Ppl who decides to play Classic should be aware what they are stepping into and play the game without free stuff, buffs and cookies ;)

    All what need to be done imo is to bring more players to this great server (yes I'm ass kisser a bit :P), find the way to erase PK scrolls and fix couple of things which annoys existing gamers already :)


    ​all your points are invalid i'm afraid.

    - they have NG weapon and buff (from scroll) enough long to get lvl 20if you know how to exp and you're not wasting any time. adding them to npc will allow newbie with less time or quest lovers, chance to lvl up till 20 under same condition.

    - free mid grade armor quest can be done from lvl 25. it's not rly amazing set so it won't give masive advatage.

    - shadow weapons are not ment to be free. affordable= yes, free=no. that's massive difference.


    keep in mind, when server started all players were equal and it wasn't hard to find pt. now when low lvl players are not so common all pt expect items or you're too slow with killing for them and it's better to solo. try to find RB pt without atleas mid D grade bow. good luck with that.

    plus as it was said by @gfbot. they will safe money to buy C grade so this market will get some improvement. D grade market doen't exicst so cheap/free D grades won't change a thing.

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  2. that's great but idea of small reward for votes would make ppl vote alot more. let's be honest, L2 community is not great and most ppl do not vote wihtout reward. small reward won't hurt server economy/donation and would boots number of votes.

  3. very old suggestion and seems to be forgoten. add vote system, it will help server and players. add something simple like 1 vote coin for voting every day. then add to nps something dmall like offline ticket for 5-10 vote coins. easy and fair system that would help newbies who can not affor to buy col just for offline shop.

  4. No, It would destroy D grade armour economy and trust me, I was playing in the official server and it was sad to see everybody with the same armour, brigandine helmet at 200k, no mithril robe sets, etc. Please, no. This is meant to be classic, so your point of making it "easier" is the opposite of what the server wants to be and is.

    ​what market? brigandine helmet for 800k that no1 cane afford to buy at start? or auction where 99% is sold?

    if newbie is supose to spend so much just for armor he/she will buy weapon instead.

    d grade armor market does not exist outside of auction.

    that's opinion of newbie player lvl ~30. i'm not even dreaming about brigandine, i had to spend all adena for weapon.

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