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Posts posted by Dancerok

  1. Actually not undertsand why complain on tablet?
    This is hard core calssic x3 not x10 why you wonder about drop.


    Regarding the online, where club always were like this, not big but stable online. I would say if high lvl player where taking care of low lvl players, taking them to Cp, nurish them, help them to exp, they would have much more players on this lvls so they woudnt be so "boring". But they do not care even to fact that all rbs 40-65 that can help this low lvl exp faster are farmed by china twinks (1/2 persons maximum).


    So the players create their own problem nothing to blame administration here.

    The only I can add, that even would be really great, however I would recommend make this even focused on players 20-65lvl since they are new players that can boost online for "old"

    • Like 1

  2. Was not able to start new topic so decided to type here,

    Koll please advise one more time.

    I was not sure if my lovely server cares about BOTS or not, however, in case if yes please see the screenshot below:
    I suspect they are bots like 90% sure. 

    Hope this inforamtion was useful, in case, if dont do any actions against bots let me know

  3. 14 minutes ago, BenQQ said:

    oh wtf. Before like was more groups. In any case, this should not be allowed here. if this is introduced, then it is necessary to strictly limit it by groups. mages-only mages and so on.

    Yes, I know. That was my point, I was wondering if they gonna do same on Dion. Cos it will be so wrong and unfair to otehr difficult exping classes

  4. 3 hours ago, BenQQ said:

    complete nonsense) even on the talking island, the reroll system was inside the class group. a wizard could only change into a wizard, a support only into a support.

    Indeed it was at the beginning but later they change it, let me find link for you

  5. Hi all,

    I hope the Dion server is not going to have reroll system all, as for me, it's so unfair that ppl who suffer right and exp difficult classes for exp, in future will got screwed when some necro or sph who Ez exp with CDL will be able to reroll into lets say dagger or TK.

    I am speaking about solo exp, becuase alright we all know abg bot not all the time this classes can find party, and on example of SPH he can always go solo exp faster then any ABG.
    So my point is, that in the beginning when reroll syste,m was added and it had huge class group gaps it was fine, however in thw way it is now when any class can reroll in any other it looks really unfair.

    P.S. I know that support and all other clases divided between each other 

  6. 8 hours ago, Koll said:

    1) You can try to clear cache for site.
    2) CTRL+SHIFT+N ( incognito mode ).

    FINALLY I can type, dunno what was this bug only was able to attach files.

    Alright My question Koll please could you advise.

    When approxiamtely planing to add pet soulshots on Dion server? As far as I remember on patch 1.5 classic offi already had pet SS if I am not mistaken? 
    I hope they will be added before 2.0? Because really waiting for 76+ to have pet ss wierd

    Thank you in advance,

  7. 2 hours ago, San0 said:

    if by items you mean stuff like random brooches and talismans and special items that players need to swipe the card more then they swipe their fingers on the keyboard to obtain, no.

    if by items you mean normal stuff to accompanies the game content advancing then yes, stuff like S grades, new lvls for bracelets of duty new epics jewels acording to the epics released and so on

    Yea By items i ment random brooches and all other "things" that can be maybe not obtained but boosted ( Enchanted) by credit card... Like they did it on official 

  8. 11 minutes ago, San0 said:

    there wont be any more following official updates.

    updates here will be nickpicked from wtv good stuff official brought + other good stuff we come up with that we might find interesting for players + maybe rework some stuff from past chronicles that people enjoy  and bringing them back in some way.


    as for instances, well most of people already know im a big instance hater, so the probability of instances existing is very low, epics should stay epics for end game allies to fight for and not something everyone can access every week just by talking to a npc freely and entering a safe zone to do them.


    about elements, we might still be some time away from it but they will exist in a very similar way from off just with diferent zones i believe. i've been thereocrafting a lot about this subject, i rly love the idea it self, the heavy grinding for something is a thing i  always enjoyed in this game and they bring exactly that, but i will prolly make/find special place for it, dont want to spread people into 4 diferent zones but rather have people competing/grouping for spots in one zone. but again, this is still kinda far away since after the next pack coming in next week, i want to make another content pack with PI and extras, and after that with PI and extras bring the first dragon to the game, our lovely anthy xD

    Alright Good to know, but what about items? Will y add them and if yes the way they ecnhant will be same?

  9. Not only elemnts, The greatest problem of 3.0 and father patches as for my kind, was that it was more and more focues on solo gameplay expirience rather than party... The location extremly hard for grinding like LOA which they reworked become totally uninterested for ppl cos mobs was so hard and drop + exp were worse than in solo catacombs where ppl train for centuries... Implementing Zaken on TP of DI and antharas on TP of LOA was extremly odd option for me either... Also dont forget about items they added to game.... All this Aghations that gives stat and y need echant them new talismans, pendant, broch, gamestones in broch and more more sh1t "excuse me" that y need to ecnhant and the way they did improving those staff is more depend on your wallet than a time y spend in game.... 
    New locations and etc fine for me as well ... 

  10. I was thinking about starting playing here but the question is, will this server update farther? To 3.0 for example or not? 

    Y see my point is that I like old classic like it was before 3.0 and in case this server will choose same path as official pretty much no point for me to start here 

  11. 1 hour ago, Harley Queen said:

    Don't let them in, don't let them see
    Be the good girl you always have to be
    Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
    Well, now they know!

    Let it go, let it go
    Can't hold it back anymore
    Let it go, let it go
    Turn away and slam the door!

    I don't care
    What they're going to say
    Let the storm rage on,
    The cold never bothered me anyway!

    I know this song I know this SONG :P 

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  12. On 16.01.2017 at 3:32 PM, MoDoy said:

    will just leave it here, DAV videos are from 2.0 and it works as was said at first post in the topic, however looks like in 1.5 u couldnt use freely VS in hide (so it worked like in old chronicles) [also i am bored to check for everything in the list, but judging by his skill usage order, UE and dash are canceling it as well, but gl finding video with that, coz no sane dagger will use it on hide when he knows it cancels it, about armor/equip no idea, and i guess thats like non important anyway even if they can use it]



    Dash 100000000% doesn't and hasn't remove hide bcz it's move action and even skill description say it. Dunno about UE but I guess it works correct now.... And It seems to me that VS cancel hide on GK but due to fact that we have STR  bug here we can keep this bug as well 

  13. 11 hours ago, Rizos said:

    Zaczac warto. Ostatnio duzo nowych graczy dolacza wiec na pewno znajdziesz jakies party. Co do bisha, bedzie ciezko z party na low lvlach, sorc/se ok, polecam. Lepszego priv classica nie znajdziesz. Online 1,5k+. Stabilny server, admini sie angazuja, malo bugow, sa update do nowych kronik wiec server predko nie umrze. Online na dzien dzisiejszy przypuszczam ze taki san jak rok temu :). Pvp w chuj jest o kaxdy spot na 60+ lvlach

    I can understand half :P