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Posts posted by Nurjke

  1. ​dont be sad man.... you cant even exp anywhere and start flame on forum.... maybe 1 day you will get 2 % to be happy again

    ​i have a feeling that a big part of u guys have such a butthurt from perkunas in past and in combination with not being used to win makes you so retarded in trolling.

    ​nerf rizo!!! drop epics

    ​i have even more % then u ;)trust me

  2. Боже сколько уже можно ныть про 2.0. Расслабьтесь и получайте удовольствие. Во-первых, от вашего нытья "когда там уже 2.0?" быстрее его не поставят. А во-вторых, кто сказал, что в 2.0 что-то будет лучше? Циклические макросы, например, это смерть для пати. Все будут покупать себе ПА на 9 окон и фармить РБ, качаться на х5 мобах СОЛО.

    по поводу кача на X5 мобах соло возможно и сейчас :) для Магв например ШЕ и ПП/Овер. Так что не ори молодой :)научим тебя фармить по македонски

  3. ​ты бы для начало хоть посмотрел что там админ написал , а потом давал на гоху линк

    Посмотреть? А что еще тебе сделать? Может разжевать и в рот положить? Тема как называется - описание 2.0 апдейта -  это раз. Что там админ написал - там тоже все касательно 2.0 апдейта, и ничего кроме этого - это два.

    И вообще тут как бы Евро форум. Админы и множество пользователей общаются на англ. Может тебе пол форума перевести, чтоб ты от новостей не отстал, бедненький?

    Агрорак детектед


  4. thats just the standards... its not you

    RektedDemon post your standards..  Oh wait you are pussy Zerg.. Sorry ..

    ​Nurjke hmmmm, you must next top flame guy on forum i think, also flaming Absolute clan even we dont know you man.... are pussy here... :x

    Mmm sure when we trio rekt ur 9 ppl u don't know me cause you are randoms here...

  5. I love Soil's logic :D. Gladi with bugged aoe and tss reuse for 8 months, and he didnt bother to report bug. Now he found his stuns have too low land rate (along with all other stuns) but once his stun is fixed hes like oo now everything works ok all other skills work correct. lets keep all other classes fkd so he can kill  em easier :D. If me and Modoy reported bugs same way as soil, there would be like 90% less bug fixes than there were so far.

    ​See, san0 said it not me and I was pretty sure while I was getting stun on lionheart from archers sometimes and not from blasters/hammer crush.
    Also I did report my AOE skills which was bad for me and I spend more adena in aoe farm now. But yes you're just watching what hurts you more. (You can check history) :)  Hate me more 

    This soil.



    Yeah, yeah, I know 9_9.

    ​Thats it, except videos on forum u re too silent, thats why i knew u re Lin archer/bp but wasnt sure :D dont worry, seems like i did almost same amount of class changes and i dunno if im done yet. Too bad that finishing at mage u re limited only to one group :P

    Poor tyrant

  7. Lots of ppl take this game so serious 

    ​jernalove i am your funboy PLZ!!!! give me some lessons how to do such a great PRs plz!!!!!!!!!!! You did it several times even when wars were 10000000 km away from u!!!! <3333333333333333 



    About this necromancer skill : at 1st fight 50 casts of Vampiric and Spike.... 2....TWO.. DOS ... DVA casts of FEAR 0 silences 2 BTMs 1 ANCHOR....

    So you can tell me i am toxic...flamer,,but this necro skill sucks biggest dick ever.... DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVE DEBUFF which reduce incoming  HEAL on target???????????? Omg spam 2 buttons play on archer...this necromancers...oh my lord plz throw your hands out of the window PLZ my eyes are bleeding,,,,

    AT 1:45-1:49 this HARD TRY TO TAKE TARGET were spamming 2 buttons so long that your hands are tremble so much...uff....Maybe stop Drinking sO hard? And maybe i am blind but i see transfer pain on him but where is his sceleton at 1st fight 0_0

    You know. Since i played this game. Whenever i see type of ppl like you, the only thing i do is laughing =)). Cose only victims that suffer alot from our fun time could give such hatred :)). I even more enjoyed when see you like that mate =))

    ​lol .. just look at this necro and see what is he using....0 control debuffs he is not sorcerer...

    ​pfff you still early 10 years to tell jerry how to play necro =))

    ​he spend this time for nothing.. 

    PS pfffff 10 years to learn gloom+DS+VC combo uffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff give me a break plz

  8. Lots of ppl take this game so serious 

    ​jernalove i am your funboy PLZ!!!! give me some lessons how to do such a great PRs plz!!!!!!!!!!! You did it several times even when wars were 10000000 km away from u!!!! <3333333333333333 



    About this necromancer skill : at 1st fight 50 casts of Vampiric and Spike.... 2....TWO.. DOS ... DVA casts of FEAR 0 silences 2 BTMs 1 ANCHOR....

    So you can tell me i am toxic...flamer,,but this necro skill sucks biggest dick ever.... DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVE DEBUFF which reduce incoming  HEAL on target???????????? Omg spam 2 buttons play on archer...this necromancers...oh my lord plz throw your hands out of the window PLZ my eyes are bleeding,,,,

    AT 1:45-1:49 this HARD TRY TO TAKE TARGET were spamming 2 buttons so long that your hands are tremble so much...uff....Maybe stop Drinking sO hard? And maybe i am blind but i see transfer pain on him but where is his sceleton at 1st fight 0_0

    You know. Since i played this game. Whenever i see type of ppl like you, the only thing i do is laughing =)). Cose only victims that suffer alot from our fun time could give such hatred :)). I even more enjoyed when see you like that mate =))

    ​lol .. just look at this necro and see what is he using....0 control debuffs he is not sorcerer...

  9. Lots of ppl take this game so serious 

    ​jernalove i am your funboy PLZ!!!! give me some lessons how to do such a great PRs plz!!!!!!!!!!! You did it several times even when wars were 10000000 km away from u!!!! <3333333333333333 



    About this necromancer skill : at 1st fight 50 casts of Vampiric and Spike.... 2....TWO.. DOS ... DVA casts of FEAR 0 silences 2 BTMs 1 ANCHOR....

    So you can tell me i am toxic...flamer,,but this necro skill sucks biggest dick ever.... DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVE DEBUFF which reduce incoming  HEAL on target???????????? Omg spam 2 buttons play on archer...this necromancers...oh my lord plz throw your hands out of the window PLZ my eyes are bleeding,,,,

    AT 1:45-1:49 this HARD TRY TO TAKE TARGET were spamming 2 buttons so long that your hands are tremble so much...uff....Maybe stop Drinking sO hard? And maybe i am blind but i see transfer pain on him but where is his sceleton at 1st fight 0_0

  10. Maybe in 5-7 month you got orfen lvl 3 again rizo dont worry! hahahaha

    You always will be missing 1 earring, that wont be in other guy if rizos get it. So even if he gets earring lvl 3 one more time, other guy wont get it.

    Just part of game and bad luck. Didnt die to mob for last 2 months.. 78/80 items in inventory and drop this.. Well my own fault. Gz to new owner.

    ​Take "some time" and "effort" farm 4 orfens earrings.

    Orfen earring lvl 3 is 4 fuucking orfen earrings.

    I think is a big lack of respect you say this in that relaxed way.

    Maybe some words telling sorry to allie mates should be more appropriate.


    Just part of game and bac luck <- big NO.

    Our choices are there.

    If you were farming bridge with full party, u dont need orfen lvl 3 on you.

    If you went gank war. too risk keep orfen lvl 3 on a char that go low hp to hit high damage with Fatal Counter.

    You just need orfen for

    > solo with some boxes (EE Party return, HEaler on you, to in case of risk)

    > Siege

    > when you are farming safely with ur cp, if risk, BSOE

    or maybe u prefer take the risk. your choice.

    Who are you? Have you ever use even orfen lvl1? You are just another garbage here stfu and go spoil windsus plz.

  11. The best part of this is, it's not even his earring LOOOL poor bizz :(

    This guys... Remember how yday your por cp run from us, die to mobs.. PR bsoe... Omg, you are even talking here.. You are nothing just a garbage.. Reroll to smth else and use BOT again and again.. You are still bunch of useless trash

    • Like 1

  12. How to make profit from POV topic? Post garbage, collect trash in topic, make ur topic popular even 10% of people who comment it didn't watch it :) . To boost topic till 4-5 pages /summon Soil, koukou=SUCCESS. Use this formula guys be famous :)

  13. How to make profit from POV topic? Post garbage, collect trash in topic, make ur topic popular even 10% of people who comment it didn't watch it :) . To boost topic till 4-5 pages /summon Soil, koukou=SUCCESS. Use this formula guys be famous :)