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Posts posted by Sonic3D

  1. i doubt purpose of this video is to brag "how awesome xp he can make", rather than showing something to newcomers, that the server is not dead, for example u can see the party is made up from randoms, which means u can find random aoe pts even aroun 40 lvls

    so stop hating on him and better support him in what he is doing, because even if it persuades one person to come and play, he already did probably more than u

    and for u sonic maybe i would suggest to put some info into description/video about server? maybe link or some description to the site, would probably help server quite some

    ​wtf ? :DDDDDD 
    "how awesome xp he can make" it`s random noob pt with 1 tank and 1 bd brazil :D i dont play l2 more then 1 week , this is old video ...
    pfffffff :D give me more time for play l2  and normal clan and i show you realy how i can fast exp :D 
    you ppls so hard....

  2. Your tank is bad. Your damage is bad. Congratulations on starting AoE! You'll get there. :>

    ​your clan is suck )))) you - stupid brazil :D Congratulations you retard :D 

    P.S. it`s random pt , they are all noobs :D this is just for exp :D 

    ​I'm from London, England. But alright, Brazil it is then. uaeuaheu.

    My clan? You mean the clan that's 2 weeks old yet pushes your groups out of their AoE spots all the time? 


    ​what? i dont have aoe pt omg i play alone right now :D this char new 1 weak 


  3. Your tank is bad. Your damage is bad. Congratulations on starting AoE! You'll get there. :>

    ​your clan is suck )))) you - stupid brazil :D Congratulations you retard :D 

    P.S. it`s random pt , they are all noobs :D this is just for exp :D 

  4. WTB\WTT TOP C DUALS +4 ( i have spirit*spirit +0 for wtt ) 
    pm here on in game Sonic3D

    ​Buy 4 EAC and enchant them. :D

    ​да они сломаются блин ))) я бы вточил уже давно 
    на новые дули не хватает пока ....

  5. Не могу понять в чем дело , раньше такого  не было , не играл может недельку от силы, захожу сейчас бегаю 5 минут по рынку и меня выкидывает "прекращена работа программы l2.exe" 
    Почистил пк от вирусов,кеша,сделал дефрагментацию,обновил клиент апдейтером и все равно выкидывает .... 

  6. Hi

    Opening this to suggest some kind of vote reward, for example for every vote turned in u get 1 vote coin which u can exchange for something that helps you, not useless hats and gayathions.

    For example lets say u can get 2 vote coins a day:

    3 vote coins consumable ítem to boost xp/sp gain by 25% for 1h, effect doesnt dissapear upon dead

    4 vote coins same but by 35%

    8 vote coins 1 bress

    18 vote coins 1 ewc

    30 vote coins 1 ewb

    And so on

    If the reward is toó little the ppl will pass on botting, if its toó much ppl will cry in forum like crazy feminists

    Hope u have a bad day

    ​lol :D go play IT with 8k online (7k bots :D ) and vote 100000000 vote coins :D 

  7. keep going ;) are u also streaming by any chance?

    keep going ;) are u also streaming by any chance?​

    steam how i exp all day ? :D hardly someone will look at it ...
    but I 'm going to do a video with the Gladiator,Spoiler,maybe Necromancer(pvp,pve,rb)and other video , so that you can subscribe to me on YouTube ! ;)