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Posts posted by driver

  1. On 2/1/2021 at 3:52 PM, Sensei said:

    Angel on the right shoulder:
    If someone makes such a post, it implies good intention to return items.

    Devil on the left shoulder:
    If someone makes such a post, they probably want to either humiliate the other player for making a -lets all admit- dumb mistake or is simply a call for attention, it's hard to stay lowkey every time epics are lost.
    They don't have war since over a year afaik, so I don't know if I buy that "war excuse", and as I wait for confirmation on that, let's just say your asscrack of an ex-leader had beef with them and that influences your thought process. Asking cuz you need opinions on a public forum? Fk yeah hommie, an ancient player like you really needs and depends on the opinions of 50 random forum masters to make an ethics decision. Wait, what char was this mail sent to? No way I want to assume you made nicknames similar to your old enemies hoping for a day like this, aye?

    You guessed right, I want to side with the right shoulder guy!

    Or, you make the post, so the situation gets public. In case people who lost the items try to pool something stupid. What if they start to interpret stuff to reverse the situation. 

    I think the only way to get them back is to let her decide. Maybe she will wake up and send them back to the owner, or to other enemy also as present :D

  2. 1 hour ago, MoDoy said:

    come on, dont call this swamp, i think our side is competing good enough to not call this server perkunas swamp (i assume thats what you meant, coz they think they control everything)


    when i said swamp i ment server is shit. with time the contingent gets worse. i read a bit the forum and i cant say when it was so toxic. 

    i just logged and saw against who you are competing and trolling those guys. will pass by next month, see you later

  3. 1 minute ago, MoDoy said:

    we call them leftovers who recruited everything what was left, they call themselves Perkunas

    also RIBOS has all 3rd class skills on destro, so that means he has character which is currently 2nd strongest class on server (right after 80 lvl DAs)

    everything what was left after you gathered a team ?:)

    well i got my answer, will not bother you guys. this swamp gets worse and worse. cant say nothing good about off servers also:)

  4. 1 minute ago, Rip said:

    All active/productive people from perkunas are in deviate. Besides zp and biz but they didn't leave. They failled all heroes


    49 minutes ago, driver said:

    based on nicknames i understood that all active/productive perkunas players left, who do you guys fight against?


  5. On 6/1/2019 at 12:51 AM, Rip said:
    1. Abyss Walker (Ghost Hunter) - Jwan[CHN]
    2. Bishop (Cardinal) - Pipenov[CHN]
    3. Bladedancer (Spectral Dancer) - Rosomaha[DEV]
    4. Bounty Hunter (Fortune Seeker) - Starkian[ZERG]
    5. Dark Avenger (Hell Knight) - Launcelot[CHN]
    6. Destroyer (Titan) -  ???
    7. Elemental Summoner (Elemental Master) - Vaire[DEV]
    8. Elven Elder (Eva's Saint) - Masha[CHN]
    9. Gladiator (Duelist) -  zhitty[CHN]
    10. Hawkeye (Sagittarius) - Jlampeka[CHN]
    11. Necromancer (Soultaker) - nexls[DEV]
    12. Overlord (Dominator) - Horzelius[DEV]
    13. Paladin (Phoenix Knight) -  NonHoly[ZERG]
    14. Phantom Ranger (Ghost Sentinel) -  Musulmon[DEV]
    15. Phantom Summoner (Spectral Master) - Octo[CHN]
    16. Plains Walker (Wind Rider) - MoDoy[CHN]
    17. Prophet (Hierophant) - BrotherIIIAcc[CHN]
    18. Shillien Elder (Shillien Saint) -  Cipka[CHN]
    19. Shillien Knight (Shillien Templar) - Hellious[ZERG]
    20. Silver Ranger (Moonlight Sentinel) - paranomos[DEV]
    21. Sorcerer (Archimage) - Jebiewdenko[CHN]
    22. Spellhowler (Storm Screamer) -  Sjeks[DEV]
    23. Spellsinger (Mystic Muse) - Haospeller[CHN]
    24. Sword Singer (Sword Muse) - Fortuna[DEV]
    25. Temple Knight (Eva's Templar) - Hrvastki[DEV]
    26. Treasure Hunter (Adventurer) - 1oo1oo[ZERG]
    27. Tyrant (Grand Khavatari) - Angerfist[CHN]
    28. Warcryer (Doomcryer) - Voodoo[CHN]
    29. Warlock (Arcana Lord) - AntiFun[DEV]
    30. Warlord (Dreadnought) - Fazen[CHN]
    31. Warsmith (Maestro) - Maklapikla[DEV]


    China[CHN] - 15

    Zergunas[ZERG] - 4

    Deviate[DEV] - 11

    ??? - 1 


    based on nicknames i understood that all active/productive perkunas players left, who do you guys fight against?

  6. 9 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    our pt never had more than 4 heroes in the video and most of the time it was 3, in first pvp rip pt gated by wonderorc (hero), so even if they wouldnt use hero buffs, they could still easily used valor, in other fights they have at least iaxzp in pt except very last fight which is 10s material coz they have no valor ;) also dont assume we use all hero debuffs in every fight, as most of the time we had to go through toi to clear several parties, so the biggest bullsh1t hero advantage (a.k.a. hero debuffs) isnt multiplied by number of heroes you see on video (eventho hero is still big boost)

    obviously i do agree we had nice advantage with all those heroes even if we had less people sometimes ;)

    i wrote that your side had 4-5, i remeber a moment you had ee,bd, dager, tyr and hero th there in vid.

    as i mentiont in past, not only hero skills are helping hero character to be imba.

  7. 2 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    3 heroes already too much? then its good we dont play now i guess, people would go blind if they saw pvps with 5 heroes :(

    saw first 2 fights and u had 4-5 on your side in pvp. and only in 1 fight there was 1 hero in perk )

    edit: dont really remember how far in the vid, maybe i saw 2-4 fights

  8. 11 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    ye 69 more with china for baium the only thing that matters on this patch, than complain no one cares to play as opposition. 

    im not a fan of the epics 69, but the deal was stroke when korea+drama had more numbers at epics then china+perk combined.

    leave it behind or help the remaining to make back the side, there are a lot of 70-76 cps with no tag.

  9. Just now, YipMan said:

    It was mine like ..... 10th game on SWS ... keep going on excouses .... potato is potato.

    So You telling now It was fluke, not skill on Poseidon winning vs this Korean stacked necro, or im hidden SWS beast ???

    Or You want to implement some double standards ???

    im talking about one thing and you go rogue about another thing, i dont care who won and who plays better or not.

    why u tell me you play sws 10th time, if what i ment is that a person with no skill playing OL will kill sws easy, its no even worth explaining.

    so horzelius was our hero pretender and was killing lots of farmers all month and this whole time you had that sws that could kill him  

    im out of this stupid argue )


  10. 2 hours ago, YipMan said:

    spreading lies is worth pointing out....

    Didnt knew when You win its skill ..... when som1 win vs Your potatos is fluke.....

    put a person who never played ol agains a good sws for 100 fights and you will understand what a fluke means.

  11. 53 minutes ago, Poseidon said:

    P.S. rekted RIBOS w/o any epics, simply wanted to fly a little.

    since when ribos is relevant? he shares the top destro newb of all time of this server with greenlight

  12. 2 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    core/orfen/baium ring/talisman? sure it might work that way, i never said he is full epics all the time. AQ3? no way, very hard to believe that your only dagger which could potentially go for hero goes olympiad and you dont give him even AQ because some tard says its "occupied" :D

    i just mentioned that he is stacked on fights on video when everybody said how unstacked he was, also him having AQ3 might seem like nothing, but its already insane boost compared to "random dagger"

    pose say this all the time , but i guess he doesnt deserve help on oly.

    i dont think pose even has enough activity to make all matches on oly