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Posts posted by rubla

  1. 7 minutes ago, kktnxbye said:

    Admins always acting in purpose to make server maximum long stay and balance b\w sides. If it will needed to introduce a giant pink elephants - they will be here. It's a fcking business project, not a charity. His professionalism is in $$$ of profit, not making everybody happy.

    well facts are facts or as modoys would say if it was in his favor "truth is truth"

    edit: btw belanced is done usually by the players e.g. stop recruiting or recruit more. no admin will do something if one side keeps more than 1 castle or keeps the castle for long time. but its soil so everything is fine.. this is a witchhunt. it personal and has nothing to do with professionalism

  2. here we go again... truth or better fact is that soil did NOT break any rule or did anything banable that justify the admin to interfere and take the clanhall from him without even talking with him first. now i will use this "if blabla" crap: if admin had any dignity or sense of professionalism he would first talk with both sides before acting on his own in such an amature way

    • Like 1

  3. 7 hours ago, datplays said:

    Honor of Soil is here, here he speaks about our server on his new one:


    well... thanks for advertising i guess but how is this connected with soil? his name is never mentioned there. all i know now is that you are an idiot


    I understand that there are different societies in different countries and may be i simply don't get it, but how "joining war side" from close real life friend is not dirty, and after this action of char owner to get it back is  dirty, called "robbing" (btw, i agree that its very "low behaviour" even if its game)


    Looting items from pk or ppl who die to mobs during pvp by accident is also different thing than reloging full pt in spot when 2 guys duo farm and waiting for the best moment to log to intentionally drop em to mobs. U think this is moral and fairplay tactic? Result is same, juts method differs. But thats result that matters the most right?

    ​you dropped because of dying to mob. this could happens anytime to anyone. they did not take the items from you by intention. just comparing recall of a character with game mechanics just doesnt makes sense, you can still play while this guy lost everythng. this just shows what kind of low life you ppl are. you didnt care when the char was useless, now leveded and equiped you pull the "your fault when give items use someone else char" crap


    and the bizzquit guy "ts spy".. get over yourself. you not in command of an army. you just playing a game and should be happy about every active player. no matter on which side he is

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  5. Estava prestes a dizer que a sua z0z : D. Não seja triste que ele está fazendo o mesmo em ABG esconder em árvores à espera de oportunidade para atacar e talvez obter alguma gota de jogadores e ele teve sorte ontem. Gz em z0z anel de diamante.

    from the moment a high level player, attacking a low level player that can not defend (lv lv 70 x 60) that features ABUSE.

    ​hate the game not the player.. change spot, ask friends or clannies to help you, exp with full party... and yes it is ABUSE but its part of the game. if you want safe exp go play GOD with instances

  6. make a poll.. lets see what the community thinks

    ​ahaha, lets make poll about nerfing necros, nerfing WLs, nerfing duelists, nerfind DAs

    surprisingly, everybody will vote for nerfing them unless they have one of those classes in party or they play it themselves, really smart move :D 

    IT WAS lucky crit pm fc(20% chance) and i had 100 hp and u had no song. If i dont crit its 3k. 3k dmg on 100 hp is that high for u when im 1shot?

    Also change dex and you skills will be fastest and crit chance will be bigger.

    ​wait, werent u the one who was crying week ago that dex doesnt change anything on skill casting and warriors/archers dont lose anything by lowering it? :D so now u wanna increase it on them, nice 

    ​okey. back to crying 24/7 on every thread,stream and who knows where else if yoiu dont like changes here. go play official if you want official skills

    btw.. have they changed the skills of necros, WLs, duelists, DAs too here?

  7. lowbies can use protection buff and pk is a part of this game. just like this drama here:))

    ​I can understand that, I love pk other players but not in here, server is almost dead and its not a pvp high rate server...
    Every time someone comes and pk me i lose 1 hour of xp. They just PK because they are scared of competition that's all 

    maybe he loves pking too and just lives his dreams here

  8. funny thing they actually never had this skill working properly here but they decided to nerf it straight away :D

    i think ppl would be more supportive you asked for more damage on low hp but you want some korean+russian 5 chronicles ahead of us damage on full hp against +20lvls mobs and players