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  1. Okay there. Heres one important question from me. IM HONEST, and i want honest answer. Does administration have something in common with adena sellers that re spamming in towns? LET ME EXPLAIN before someone warn or delete thread: I saw some thread about ppl saying that these AS (adena sellers) should be banned. Some admin said in this thread "okay, done, adena sellers banned, thanks for info". But there is shitload of AS atm, and im pretty sure nobody takes care of them, coz im able to play all day, and when i log 8 am till i log off 22 pm the same AS re spamming, same goes next day. And it should be easy to ban AS, coz they re not hiding with this spamming. Another important thing, u blocked whispers/shout until lv 20, thats weird, but okay, maybe u did this to make AS unable to wshisper. So AS were at lv 10 to whisper. Now AS re becoming lvl 20+ so they can whisper. And how AS is making lv 20? By botting of course. So we got Adena Seller, spamming, asking to do illegal transactions for real cash for adena in game, that re botted up to lv 20+ and they re not getting banned. Why? So thats why my question occur, does administration have something in common with AS? Maybe its like ADS and administration is getting some cash from the company selling adena so they let them do this? IM NOT SAYING ITS TRUE, but there must be any reason that the AS/botters re not getting banned. U re hunting real botters, thats great, and real botters re harder to catch, and AS is easy to catch, just stay in town for 5min, and u get 10 of them spamming, so just ban them if u really ban botters, coz they re botted characters too for sure, coz nobody would lvl up character manualy up to lv 20 to do spam in town. Just dont tell me chat admins re blocking their chat coz that would be hilarious, that AS with banned chat ill be used to farm adena, and the thing goes on and on. These AS should be banned imadiately like every bot is (i believe it is... coz atm it cost 50CoL to be free <sadly laughing> for botter its nothing)