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Found 2 results

  1. Hi admins, congrats for this great server. I just have something to complain about, the coins of luck. It's nice to have COL for trade-in between donators and no-donators, since you give it a bit of ballance in the game for those who can't pay. Ofcourse the Market has it's own rules and prices, but now ingame price for COL is almost impossible to reach due to it's bonuses. People mainly uses COL for Offline Trades/Blessed Scrolls/Premium Accounts. Ok for Premium Accounts being a bit harder to get, but Offline Shops and Blessed Res are pointless now. - As COL states between 27~35k... Offline shops usually has the average profit of 15~20k per shop, if you spend 27k on a COL and don't get anything sold, you become in a serious economical problem. Some people can't leave the PC turned on all the day waiting to sell something. And this turns harder when you get a more expensive item, you might endup wasting 5~10 off-line tickets and not selling anything. Same goes for blessed Ressurrection, as it is staying around 170~200k adenas (6 col). In my opinion the donation terms and rewards should change a bit. For me, off-line trades/premium acc shoul be a subscription based donation for a fixed price. COL for ingame consumables should have to be lowered a bit, because this way either the donations will endup being hold or the col ingame won't be sold anymore. Just a few people can pay such prices. Thats my 50cc