Theres main problem with skill "Confusion" on my DE archer. Confusion: "Throws enemy into confusion, changing their target of attack" The point is: when mob agro on u, and u throw Confusion on mob, he lose interest only for 0.5 sec then he run towards me again. It's not changing target to hit another mob (thats how it works on my Shaman) atm its doing nothig, just stop mob for 0,5 sec. It is very important skill for archer saving his life. Because its his only skill to do such thing. Ive got archer lvl 27 and shaman lvl 30. On shaman confusion (Madness skill) chance is low, but works proper - stops mob from attack or makes him change target. (Shaman also saves his life thanks to sleep) On archer confusion (Confusion skill) chance is a bit bigger, but is not working - not stopping mob from attack, not changing his target. (Archer has no other skill saving his life) Tested on mobs same lvl (white) and lower lvl (green, gray)