Dear administration, yesterday and today, I was faced with a Disconnects the server directly while pharma RB, in both cases, the RB was ~ 10% hp, and due to the fact that the whole party was thrown in pharma, after we went and finished off the 10% hp RB we have received a minimal amount of EXP, spending on each RB for about an hour and a lot of consumables, since to get the full EXP with RB us prevent server error, rather than the actions of our party and me personally, I beg to compensate my damages in the form of EXP I was supposed to get, but not received by the server's fault, it is at least not fair, because I spend time playing on veshem server, and I like him, and I would not want to so simple server error getting me on the path of development my character, please listen and pay damages. Hope for understanding. Here are screenshots from two RB yesterday and today, before and after Disconnects.