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Found 1 result

  1. Hey, I frapsed few mins of my solo farming to let you guys know how to easily farm your human wizard solo in EG from 25 to 30. I know aoe in AC is surely more profitable but hardly faster with exp leechers in a party And solo aoe farming is boring af for me. I know this video is bs for most of you, but maybe some emokids who say it's hard to farm here solo could learn a thing or two from it Bone staff (lowest Dg from shop), Devotion set, junk ng jewels from mobs + self buff (using might on myself for the cat to get it too because it doesnt matter now - I dont need free slots right now (Just in case someone would want to tell me I'm a noob for using might on a mage char ) Btw: Some of you might be confused about my skillbars -> I'm playing L2 using the farming/pvp skillbars from F12 - F1, It's far more comfortable for me to have main skill on F11 (my middle finger) or attack on F12 under my index finger (as a fighter) and the ctrl ready right under my thumb for pvp. I can easily reach to F5 with my "pinky" and easily slide to F1 when needed (right now I just have sit there because of only few skills I can use at this level and during farming)... I'm playing it this way from the first days I've ever played L2. Feel free to hate me here as much as you want Background music: random songs from YouTube channel TrapNation. Specificaly