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  1. At the start of the server's launch i was jailed/banned from the forums and game because i was Multiboxing with 4 casters with a (/target *Name* /Assist /Castspell WindStrike) Macro i created in game. everyone reported me for botting and the gm's even jailed me, i then made a forum post about it and gave proof that i did indeed have 4 computers up and running with 1 mouse connected to each laptop with the macro listed above with a piece of tape taped to the side button of the mouse so it keeps spamming F1 (where the macro was set to). after the post went into a hot topic with over 300 people viewing it and over 15 people including "Koll" replying within 30 minutes the post was locked and even removed due to high volume of people viewing it. i was unbanned and unjailed from the game with (Koll) saying that he will be watching me very close to see if i was indeed botting. i then started to play and enjoy the game again but everywhere i go people always kept saying "Bot!!! omg bot!!! wow! bot!!! reported!!". after about 15 minutes of being unjailed and back on track i get teleported ahead a little bit and my boxes followed me where ever he teleported me saying and stating that "your bots are set on a follow range" that is not right being that "/Castspell WindStrike" has a range of 600 and "/attack" has a range as well, anyone here can even create this macro and just replace the "/castspell" with a different spell or even just plain "/attack" and you will be doing the same thing i was doing. he also stated that its impossible for my boxes to keep following me after he teleports me because they "loose target" wouldn't (/target *Name* /Assist /Castspell WindStrike) if it was constantly being pressed instantly target me again and then assist me and then proceed to cast windstrike over and over and over until the target was either dead or i quit targeting a target and they stopped assisting my target and was targeting me again because i did not have a target and then proceeded to follow me again? being that i did not have a target they did not go and attack and would just keep following me no matter where he teleported me reguardless if all 3 boxes lost target or not. to me the people that play this game and even some of the gm's don't even know who is really botting or not botting. I'm here because i really want to play on this server on my down time, boxing to me is fun when you can nuke down 1 mob within seconds with 4 casters, I don't play in a party or interact with other players most of the time, I'm more of a solo type player. All of this being said i'm honestly just looking for a answer if i can even multi box 4 Casters before i continue to even play on this server and becoming a (PA) member and continuing my stay here.