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  1. Hello GM team and guys! I have an idea about creating reset skill system. As everyone knows that all classes now are lacking of skill points because of the exp bonus from clan, overhit monster and so on.. We also dont have any event yet to help people can get bonus SP from pve so far. Just 1 gift from GM like 6 cakes from 6 months anniversary to bonus your SP during 1 hour pve. Or sometimes people was wrong clicked on the skill that they didnt want to learn Oops! And what we have to deal with the situation that we just can learn only some main skills which are really important. And what if the skill you choose that was wrong and you want to fix it? Ok stop here a little bit ! I want to make this clear that im not gonna cry at any thing. This is only a suggestion so people can discuss or GM can take a look at it and consider to make the game becoming better. Ok ? Back to main topic You want to decrease your wrong skills level to save your SP for another skills. Is there any another way to fix it or except the only way to learn all skill now that is you have to die to decrease your exp then pve again to have more SP to learn full skill of your classes? So my idea is creating reset skill system and it can help players alot. You can test all skills you want, try to build your character different way, find which will be the best way but of course you will have to PAY for it GM can make skill reset scroll and put it on Nostagia NPC. You can buy reset skill scroll by COL whatever the amount GM will decide that the price is acceptable. And that scroll just only can be used to reset one skill by each scroll only not all skills you've learned Thats my idea guys! Im happy to see any comment that can make this topic becoming useful for everyone Have a good evening guys and GM team !