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  1. Dear members I propose a tournament at the Colisium if i can get help from the GM to put a GK and the arena manager at Colisium for WH/CP regen and HP regen there will be some rules to follow.because i wont be able check all members one buy one the rules will be : LVL 40- 49 so when ppl pm me i can see the little 40 on side of the pm or 40-51 and only C gear no glowing weapon +++++++++ LVL 52-59 C or B grade LVL 60+ All gear can be used Buffers/healer/recharger breff all support as to be in the party that is sing up no out side buff like "clarity" from a EE out party or G might/G shield things like that. There will be a fee to sing up for each party ( im not sure about the amount of the fee yet maybe 1.8kk per party its like 200k per player to make a good price at the end)and i hope GMs will help me in that so they can give price to the participants or something like that (brez/bsoe or small amount of CoL its going to be they choice maybe they will suprice use :D) Only one team per Guild can participate to the Semi-final and final Each step will be 2 of 3 i mean u need to win 2 time to win and pass the next step Due to the Siege each 2 week that is all time sunday the tournament should be the saturday for the reason 1: is more ppl on server saturday ( i think) and 2: maybe the weekend that is not the same of the seige For the time i dont know yet . what about the same time of the seige 18:00 ecst i think or something like that at saturday I will be the judge whit some other ppl that is trustable and not run whit money (and i know allready ppl saying :why should we give the adena to u . well idk i have nothing to say except the fact that im the one that will make the tournament happen and u want a PRICE at the end of it someone need to collect the $$ and give it to the winners and if Koll or San0 or both can help me that would be nice The way i will select the team that will fight the other team will be old school whit a bucket and the names of the leader of each party on a paper cauze i dont see other way to make it random Each grade (lvl 40-49/lvl52-59/lvl 60+) will have 2 tree form so the winner of each tree will fight the other winner at last im not gonna lie ill take 10% of the put like any place u go in realy life they do and some time they go up to 30% but 10% is sound fair cause the system tournament i propose going to be complicated maybe i should just do it for lvl60+ to test it see how ill be able to control everything Regard Buttman