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Found 2 results

  1. Hey, guys! I just installed the game (downloaded the torrent and then placed the patch (launcher) in the game's folder.) While the game does load and I am able to log in, start a new character, there is no audio at all.​​ What happens is that the second the window appears, there is a very brief high-pitch noise and then total silence. No music, no button sounds, nothing. The hardware does work as I have also tried loading the game while music was playing in the background as well as load the game first and start some music afterwards. I have tried going into settings and desable then re-enable sound under the Configure/Audio tab. Still silence. I am using on-board sound off of a Gygabite F2A78M-HD2 motherboard, and I am running Windows 10. No other game I have played so far (Portal2, Elite:Dangerous, Tera, Aion, Alien Isolation, Tomb Raider 2013, and so on) has sound issues. Thanks for the help in advance. Shame how NCSoft ruined the original Lineage II, and frankly, I don't speak neither russian, nor korean to play the official servers... When I heard of this server, I almost cried
  2. Возник такой вопрос, будет ли работать клиент на 10? Руофф точно не работает, т.к. там стоит Frost.