
New Cleric Looking for friends to play

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Hello im pretty new to the server and i made a cleric but its not easy to play alone and low lvl areas dont seem to have alot of ppl can anyone help me or take me under their wing pls :) im lvl 24 right now...

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so im almost lvl 30 now i need a clan, friends, something, im a casual player i have a life play at most 2-3 hours a day but as a cleric alone its hard and disheartening to play alone can someone pls step up and give a call ingame "fabinho

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Hey, was here at launch quit for like 2 weeks for RL reasons, clan seemed dead when I got back, I'm back! 

Rerolling a necro/warlock. I'd happily duo with you even if it slows down my solo lvling speed at beginning.. :P new toon is lvl 11 only but ill be 25+ soon as I had some Adena to get top NG ;) 

Let me know here and we can get in touch. ,

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