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SO to be SE looking for clan/cp

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Hello fellow L2 players ? I have returnd to L2 after a long break from the game, must be 5years atleast, anyhow!

Im going shilen elder and i look for an english speaking clan to join, im fluent in english although a bit rusty, im from Sweden but live in norway.

29years old, wife and a kid. I consider myself an adult no drama here, dark sense of humor thou, not for the feint of hart. 

Also Thomas is the name, almost forgot! How rude!

Well thats me.

doing my quest to become shilen oracle now, so soon ready!

ingame namn is nibzi.

cheers ?

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I have a lvl 3 clan I'm trying to build up if u would like to join Nightmare it's just casual play clan ATM, but looking to make CPs and do it big lmk pm In game Cell

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