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New clan Recruiting

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New clan GrannyHunters is recruiting!

We are almost all english/russian speakers, we have TS stable server, we exp together (we are low lvls all), we help each other.

Clan will have 3 Constant Parties. I write them here, and with the free spots. If your interested,reply here, mail me or whisper me in game, name Ketonall.

First CP - Melee

1- Tank (Paladin) - taken

2- DD (Gladiator) - taken

3- DD (Gladiator) - taken

4- DD (Gladiator or Warlord,not sure yet) - taken

5- DD (Destroyer USING spear) - free

6- BD - taken

7- SWS - taken

8- EE - free

9- PP - free


Second CP - Mages

1- Tank (Paladin) - taken

2- Sorcerer - free

3- Spellsinger - free

4- Spellhowler - free

5- Elemental Summoner - free

6- BD - free

7- SWS - free

8- SE - free

9- Overlord or PP - free


Third CP - Archers

1- Tank (Paladin) - taken

2- Saggi - free

3- Silver ranger - free

4- Phantom ranger - free

5- Warlord - free

6- BD - free

7- SWS - free

8- Bishop - free

9- Warcryer or PP - free

Edited by Ketonall

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