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TYRANT (5x lvl) LF CP (EN/PL)

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Hello guys I'm looking for an active CP (or an active clan that forms 40-50 lvl parties every day).

I'm 54 lvl Tyrant with TOP C grades

I'm active 3-4h a day (and around 6h on weekends) between 20-24 gmt+1 (I'm online at least 6 days a week). Able to speak fluent english on TS/VENT/DISCORD w/e but only after 10 pm.

I'm looking for an active melee CP, english or polish speaking. It's definitelly a pain to level up on l2 classic, so I'm looking for a group of people with the mindset of doing aoe parties and of course later on PvPing.


What can I add about myself? I spent couple years (6-7?) on c4-c6 private servers (mostly on ABYSS x7). Played a lot of MOBA games too so I'm a player who focuses on developing own skills and game knowledge. I'm not aiming at the top because I'm trying to be realistic and I do realise it's impossible with my 30-34 h online weekly so I'm not looking for dead serious group but simply players who are online every day and likes chatting while wrecking them trains and later PvP`ing (ye I do like to PvP and I'm an addicted oly player as well :P)


Be warned I like TheoryCrafting a lot !


Leave a msg here / PM on Forum / whisper IGN: FinalFen

Edited by FinalFen
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