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1 hour ago, 33rd said:

Can start my owm or play your char

Giving infos like GMT  hours that you can be online  age  level of experience e.t.c would  help others  notice you :P (Friendly info )

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4 minutes ago, GanjaRockzZz said:

Giving infos like GMT  hours that you can be online  age  level of experience e.t.c would  help others  notice you :P (Friendly info )

Im 20 old.(soon). My GMT+4. Now i lost job so i can play every time.

Played 2 years on Ruoff. 3 years c4. 1st time on classic. Pref playing to knife(aw,rogue). But now wanna play overloard/bd/sws. 

If rly doesnt matter. Im boring to play solo.

U can write here or mail on "Farhat.

Edited by 33rd
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