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bot protection

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as far as i can tell the beta has no bot protection setup, DV is full of bot groups at night which is quite sad for a beta. Are you guys going to use smartguard or one of the other programs to try and limit botting activity? I know they can all be worked around by determined people but can still be quite effective. The small map of 1.0 makes it a little harder for full bot groups to run without clans intervening but its the boxed pp's and small groups of 2 & 3 trying to look like live players that will be everywhere. IF its only 2 or 3 admins trying to deal with the problem your going to burn out pretty fast constantly banning low lvl farming spoilers.

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There is supposed to be a custom bot protection on live.

We will have our own service that store illegal actions / memory modifications, then we have ban waves that will result closed account if your account is flagged. So it is at your own risk.

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Just how often is this ban wave going to happen? Because if people have a chance to move their botted stuff to their mains (or sell it), then banning the offending alts is not going to solve much...

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Just how often is this ban wave going to happen? Because if people have a chance to move their botted stuff to their mains (or sell it), then banning the offending alts is not going to solve much...

It's just part of it, then we will also make it more difficult to use. But today's bots are very difficult to block entirely. GM's positions will also be useful in this cases.

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Just how often is this ban wave going to happen? Because if people have a chance to move their botted stuff to their mains (or sell it), then banning the offending alts is not going to solve much...

It's just part of it, then we will also make it more difficult to use. But today's bots are very difficult to block entirely. GM's positions will also be useful in this cases.

​the best bot protections are the gm's .. if they are off all time , bots will be 100% uptime

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