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redsky wasnt shit on teon when i played there...they got better when i went to franz and they started using their bot programs that fight for them...bnut without their ru cheat programs those kids were terrible in lineage 2..i used to kill dvp so much and he would buy every instant heal pot from my shops and bsoes and bresses because he would eat dirt so much

​what ? stacked dvp vs a grade.. come on this ISNT l2blah.. every1 knows what happend back in the days ( and how ...oner.... *cough* clanhall *cough )

​dude dvp was not a good player by any means when he came across my team were never high in numbers but we would decimate people way bigger then us all the time...old school guerrila ganking that was coined by my boys and set the standard for small scale pvp...pwnz kids tried to be like us....we made so many exile untag in our clan wars it was ridiculous and then would just pk them....dvp made good movies about beating people he out geared and spammed instant heal pots so he wouldnt die...he spent tons of cash to have oe gear that very few had...I was a great farmer so my team always had gear cause i owned like 4 9 man bot trains and had a network of bots...ill tell you this and this isnt a joke..I made over 30k off of exile on teon buying shit thru fake personas that I maintained for buisness purposes...idiots thought I was a chinese farmer...its easy to be good when you have the best stuff..lineage 2 is a very gear dependant game

redsky wasnt shit on teon when i played there...they got better when i went to franz and they started using their bot programs that fight for them...bnut without their ru cheat programs those kids were terrible in lineage 2..i used to kill dvp so much and he would buy every instant heal pot from my shops and bsoes and bresses because he would eat dirt so much

​what ? stacked dvp vs a grade.. come on this ISNT l2blah.. every1 knows what happend back in the days ( and how ...oner.... *cough* clanhall *cough )

​dude dvp was not a good player by any means when he came across my team were never high in numbers but we would decimate people way bigger then us all the time...old school guerrila ganking that was coined by my boys and set the standard for small scale pvp...pwnz kids tried to be like us....we made so many exile untag in our clan wars it was ridiculous and then would just pk them....dvp made good movies about beating people he out geared and spammed instant heal pots so he wouldnt die...he spent tons of cash to have oe gear that very few had...I was a great farmer so my team always had gear cause i owned like 4 9 man bot trains and had a network of bots...ill tell you this and this isnt a joke..I made over 30k off of exile on teon buying shit thru fake personas that I maintained for buisness purposes...idiots thought I was a chinese farmer...its easy to be good when you have the best stuff..lineage 2 is a very gear dependant game

thats what i said... well about dvp.... this isn´t l2blah we all *even ex-exiler* did know how he "produced" his pvp count.. nonseless he was a nice guy ( not speaking about ingame more rl wise ).

I guess he was even one of the frist guys who did post videos all the time.. it was short action 1 vs X ( outgeared like we said ) and well.. it was fun to watch. Unlike he did kill me a few time too at the begining lol. It was L2 during that time... fotm class good gear = gf !



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1 is the best clan of all times in l2 off and they proved that many times in the l2off tournament... Covenant from devianne under morlek's leadership.all the rest clans,like swat,redsky and bla bla are only good clans...thats it.

​Actually the "best" clan is/was Ginnunga from server Bartz later reformed and named Reborn and they were in the Alliance Uprising with Enmity. They won also the pvp tournament

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1 is the best clan of all times in l2 off and they proved that many times in the l2off tournament... Covenant from devianne under morlek's leadership.all the rest clans,like swat,redsky and bla bla are only good clans...thats it.

​Actually the "best" clan is/was Ginnunga from server Bartz later reformed and named Reborn and they were in the Alliance Uprising with Enmity. They won also the pvp tournament these 2 clans are in the hall of fame ;-) 

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bartz is where i started my learning of lineage 2...i was stuck so long on talking island because every night around mid night everyone would bring out smurf chars and try to make people go red with glitches in casting while setting up shops..I got lucky and some idiot dropped his doom plate armor while i was like lvl 18 and iafter i sold it it helped me so much in my learning curve of the game lol...good times...evered clearing out cruma and orc barracks of chinese bots and farmers

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redsky wasnt shit on teon when i played there...they got better when i went to franz and they started using their bot programs that fight for them...bnut without their ru cheat programs those kids were terrible in lineage 2..i used to kill dvp so much and he would buy every instant heal pot from my shops and bsoes and bresses because he would eat dirt so much

​what ? stacked dvp vs a grade.. come on this ISNT l2blah.. every1 knows what happend back in the days ( and how ...oner.... *cough* clanhall *cough )

​dude dvp was not a good player by any means when he came across my team were never high in numbers but we would decimate people way bigger then us all the time...old school guerrila ganking that was coined by my boys and set the standard for small scale pvp...pwnz kids tried to be like us....we made so many exile untag in our clan wars it was ridiculous and then would just pk them....dvp made good movies about beating people he out geared and spammed instant heal pots so he wouldnt die...he spent tons of cash to have oe gear that very few had...I was a great farmer so my team always had gear cause i owned like 4 9 man bot trains and had a network of bots...ill tell you this and this isnt a joke..I made over 30k off of exile on teon buying shit thru fake personas that I maintained for buisness purposes...idiots thought I was a chinese farmer...its easy to be good when you have the best stuff..lineage 2 is a very gear dependant game

redsky wasnt shit on teon when i played there...they got better when i went to franz and they started using their bot programs that fight for them...bnut without their ru cheat programs those kids were terrible in lineage 2..i used to kill dvp so much and he would buy every instant heal pot from my shops and bsoes and bresses because he would eat dirt so much

​what ? stacked dvp vs a grade.. come on this ISNT l2blah.. every1 knows what happend back in the days ( and how ...oner.... *cough* clanhall *cough )

​dude dvp was not a good player by any means when he came across my team were never high in numbers but we would decimate people way bigger then us all the time...old school guerrila ganking that was coined by my boys and set the standard for small scale pvp...pwnz kids tried to be like us....we made so many exile untag in our clan wars it was ridiculous and then would just pk them....dvp made good movies about beating people he out geared and spammed instant heal pots so he wouldnt die...he spent tons of cash to have oe gear that very few had...I was a great farmer so my team always had gear cause i owned like 4 9 man bot trains and had a network of bots...ill tell you this and this isnt a joke..I made over 30k off of exile on teon buying shit thru fake personas that I maintained for buisness purposes...idiots thought I was a chinese farmer...its easy to be good when you have the best stuff..lineage 2 is a very gear dependant game

thats what i said... well about dvp.... this isn´t l2blah we all *even ex-exiler* did know how he "produced" his pvp count.. nonseless he was a nice guy ( not speaking about ingame more rl wise ).

I guess he was even one of the frist guys who did post videos all the time.. it was short action 1 vs X ( outgeared like we said ) and well.. it was fun to watch. Unlike he did kill me a few time too at the begining lol. It was L2 during that time... fotm class good gear = gf !



​dpv did kill some kid though over lineage 2..I remember all that dramma...i never understood how hard core russians were in the game till i seen they murder each other over it..and they say usa people are crazy pshsh

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redsky wasnt shit on teon when i played there...they got better when i went to franz and they started using their bot programs that fight for them...bnut without their ru cheat programs those kids were terrible in lineage 2..i used to kill dvp so much and he would buy every instant heal pot from my shops and bsoes and bresses because he would eat dirt so much

​what ? stacked dvp vs a grade.. come on this ISNT l2blah.. every1 knows what happend back in the days ( and how ...oner.... *cough* clanhall *cough )

​dude dvp was not a good player by any means when he came across my team were never high in numbers but we would decimate people way bigger then us all the time...old school guerrila ganking that was coined by my boys and set the standard for small scale pvp...pwnz kids tried to be like us....we made so many exile untag in our clan wars it was ridiculous and then would just pk them....dvp made good movies about beating people he out geared and spammed instant heal pots so he wouldnt die...he spent tons of cash to have oe gear that very few had...I was a great farmer so my team always had gear cause i owned like 4 9 man bot trains and had a network of bots...ill tell you this and this isnt a joke..I made over 30k off of exile on teon buying shit thru fake personas that I maintained for buisness purposes...idiots thought I was a chinese farmer...its easy to be good when you have the best stuff..lineage 2 is a very gear dependant game

redsky wasnt shit on teon when i played there...they got better when i went to franz and they started using their bot programs that fight for them...bnut without their ru cheat programs those kids were terrible in lineage 2..i used to kill dvp so much and he would buy every instant heal pot from my shops and bsoes and bresses because he would eat dirt so much

​what ? stacked dvp vs a grade.. come on this ISNT l2blah.. every1 knows what happend back in the days ( and how ...oner.... *cough* clanhall *cough )

​dude dvp was not a good player by any means when he came across my team were never high in numbers but we would decimate people way bigger then us all the time...old school guerrila ganking that was coined by my boys and set the standard for small scale pvp...pwnz kids tried to be like us....we made so many exile untag in our clan wars it was ridiculous and then would just pk them....dvp made good movies about beating people he out geared and spammed instant heal pots so he wouldnt die...he spent tons of cash to have oe gear that very few had...I was a great farmer so my team always had gear cause i owned like 4 9 man bot trains and had a network of bots...ill tell you this and this isnt a joke..I made over 30k off of exile on teon buying shit thru fake personas that I maintained for buisness purposes...idiots thought I was a chinese farmer...its easy to be good when you have the best stuff..lineage 2 is a very gear dependant game

thats what i said... well about dvp.... this isn´t l2blah we all *even ex-exiler* did know how he "produced" his pvp count.. nonseless he was a nice guy ( not speaking about ingame more rl wise ).

I guess he was even one of the frist guys who did post videos all the time.. it was short action 1 vs X ( outgeared like we said ) and well.. it was fun to watch. Unlike he did kill me a few time too at the begining lol. It was L2 during that time... fotm class good gear = gf !



​dpv did kill some kid though over lineage 2..I remember all that dramma...i never understood how hard core russians were in the game till i seen they murder each other over it..and they say usa people are crazy pshsh

​like i said in my pm... :) it wasn´t about lineage 2.. it was about family.. and dvp didn´t kill the guy who he was argueing with.. he killed the guy who wanted to calm him down..

You guys have guns..... but i just saw dallas + some parts of texas.. and these guys are CRAZY !

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With the amount of people coming in I am pretty optimistic about this being a massive thing :) I just hope admins are prepared for a project of such mass.


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