
M def vs poison

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Good evening,

I wanted to ask how does m def protect from poison from mobs. Does it help, or the land rates are affected so slightly that it's not worth buying jewelry against DoT?

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Good evening,

I wanted to ask how does m def protect from poison from mobs. Does it help, or the land rates are affected so slightly that it's not worth buying jewelry against DoT?

​It helps, but also helps the lvl difference between you and the mob and also how much MEN you have. In my opinion jewerly is always helpful not only against mobs but also vs PKs since it seems 80% of them are mages :D

This is a formula, which I think it's outdated and could be wrong, but anyway is just to give you a general idea of how it seems to work:

Poison - (Base Land Rate/Men Modifier*Resistance)*(Learn Level/Target Level)*(M.Atk/M.Def.)

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