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Rally the troops

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So, since im filing this date on the 22nd under dubious at best(you cant fault me as we're getting about as much transparency as the white house gives) I want to keep things positive and hopeful nonetheless and find how many people you've personally reached out to that sounds promising as far as joining. I have reached out to 2 people that are for sure joining with me and 1 more that will likely not.


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8 friends are joining with me to rekt some russian faggots and help filling this with drama

​woah so disrespectful prczm :o mh... Well i have noone with me, iam so lonely! but still its okay since i think there will be lots of people to party with around. I asked a few friends but they dont like the game and 1 of them is thinking about it.

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Had 6 of my l2 mates lined up for this but after what happened and the doubt about the real classic client involved and not the emulation noone wants to play here anymore :( 

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Had 6 of my l2 mates lined up for this but after what happened and the doubt about the real classic client involved and not the emulation noone wants to play here anymore :( 

​lol they just needed more time so shit wont hit the fan later on... and about the emulation is all speculation that casionpela is making up 

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to be honest, at this point i couldn't care less if it's emulated or not.

if it works as intended with the same L2C gameplay/features, i'm fine with it. still better than playing with crippled rates anyway, at least for me.

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