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G vs G tournament

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Dear members

I propose a tournament  at the Colisium  if i can get help from the GM  to put a  GK  and the arena manager at Colisium  for WH/CP regen and HP regen

there will be some rules to follow.because i wont be able check  all members one buy one  the rules will be :

LVL 40- 49  so  when ppl  pm me  i can see the   little 40  on side of the pm or   40-51  and  only C gear no glowing  weapon +++++++++

LVL 52-59  C or B grade

LVL 60+  All gear  can be used

Buffers/healer/recharger  breff all support  as to be in the party  that is sing up  no out side buff  like "clarity"  from a EE out party  or G might/G shield things like that.

There will  be a fee to sing up for each party ( im not sure about the  amount of the fee yet  maybe  1.8kk per party  its like 200k per player to make a good price at the end)and  i hope  GMs will help me in that so they can give price to the participants or something like that (brez/bsoe or small amount of CoL its going to be they choice  maybe they will suprice use  :D)

Only one  team  per  Guild can participate to the  Semi-final and final 

Each step will  be  2 of 3  i mean  u need to win 2 time to win and pass the next step

Due to the Siege each 2 week  that is all time sunday   the tournament   should be  the saturday  for the reason  1: is more ppl on server saturday ( i think) and 2: maybe the weekend that is not the same of the seige

For the time  i dont know yet  . what about the same time  of the seige  18:00  ecst  i think  or something like that  at saturday

I will be the judge whit some other ppl that is trustable and not run whit money (and i know allready ppl saying :why should we give the adena to u . well idk i have nothing to say except the fact that im the one that will make the tournament happen and u want a PRICE  at the end of it  someone need to collect the $$ and give it to the winners  and if Koll or San0 or both can help me  that would be nice

The way i will select the  team that will fight the other team  will be old school   whit  a bucket and the names of the leader of each party  on a paper cauze i dont see other way to make it random

Each  grade  (lvl 40-49/lvl52-59/lvl 60+) will have 2 tree form  so the winner of each tree will fight the other winner

at last  im not gonna lie ill take  10%  of the put  like any place u go in realy life  they do and some time they go up to 30% but 10%  is sound fair  cause the system tournament i propose going to be complicated  maybe i should just   do it for lvl60+  to test it  see how ill be able to control everything

Regard Buttman



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this brain storms happens when someone quits from their clan xD

​lol  well im pretty sure u will participate :P 

​depends of rewards :P

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this brain storms happens when someone quits from their clan xD

​lol  well im pretty sure u will participate :P 

​depends of rewards :P

​well for my part only adena from the fee of the participants more participant we will have more the price might be good and  if gms want to adds gift  to could be very fun

we can raise up fee to sing up  but i calculate for 200k  per player/1.8kk per  team

maybe 1.8kk for low lvl  and for 60+   make it  500k each player so its 4.5kk per team ...

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It is not a bad idea, hope someone from the staff considers it and helps up with the setups. This can be done with //eventmatch rules (clearing buffs, locking parties, setting up restrictions on items and much more).

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