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About Sylvant

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  1. tbh l2 was always about who has the better equipment, consumables, buffs or whatever and there is very limited space of showing skill as classes are designed very narrow, with 2-3 main abilities and the rock/scissors/paper rule applies. Like you said tanks supposed to counter archers, archers counter mages, mages counter fighters etc. I agree however that this is a totally different game from the old l2. Besides the many things you listed, concerning pvp, there are also many other things, like the drop table, hunting zones, class skills, items and whatnot. Cant blame the server however, its the game designers who instead of recreate the game as it used to be, made something which only reminds it and at the same time, resembles the new game versions just as much. It has that feeling of things being too polished, too newbie friendly and convincing even for kids. No, thats not how i remember l2. L2 used to be a hard game, where things were not fair and didnt follow comfortable rules. Things were often making no sense, like no available recipe for demon gloves, or avadon boots being insanely expensive duo to hard to get recipe, same for BW helm and countless of other stuff. Things were just unfair and didnt made sense, but it was the essence of the game and now that essence is lost...
  2. i totally forgot there isnt even Antharas on this version...its a total different game to me...
  3. 1) No subscription. I play this server for few months already and havent paid anything so far ;P 2) I dont know, but its enough to find regularly parties as a solo player and the population isnt decreasing for sure 3) I am not familiar with specific server changes, but the 1.5 version in general is slightly different from the old school l2 4) I find classes fairly well distributed, with the usual less popular like EE, elven knights, summoners etc. Id say fighters are looking for Warlocks at the later stage of the game. BD's are usually not hard to find. 5) I've encountered greeks and greek clans, but i dont have deeper observations if their community is strong
  4. thats kinda sad, because instead of classic, we get a new version of the game...I miss many of the "classic" things which are not part of it...
  5. I checked the topic about 2.0 changes, but im looking for additional info, like what the NPC's will be selling, will there be low b grade items? Are there gonna be Catacombs and Necros? Do we get Rune and Goddart?
  6. I play this server casually for about 2-3 months now and i thought i should answer some of your questions! 1. The server isnt new, you prolly figured that already, but in no terms its hard to reach into end-game, id even say its the right time to join since there is the natural cap of ct 1,5 content(75lvl, B grade) and you can have enough time to catch up and get ready for 2.0 2. I cant tell about that, its not very high, but its not declining for sure and for the time being i still see the zones i leveled being just as populated 3. Yes, the version is 1.5 4. I've no clue on that, tbh im in no rush seeing 2.0 live as i prefer to advance some more before i have to think of a-grade and reaching level for sub is still on my to do list! 5. There is a newbie pack which will set you with top NG weapon for a week and some miscellaneous stuff. 6. Dualbox is only premium available, you could log from a second pc if you have 7. I find the class distribution very well. I play BD 8. Summoners are quite cool class imo. I cant give you a solid answer on how good they are in 1.5 for siege, or pvp, but they are valued in groups. 9. Im not sure, as i havent played the official 1.5 server, but this version is definitely different from the 10y old(or more) l2 version and i could give you additional info on that if you are not familiar 10. I didnt really look much on the donation list, but i dont recall it being p2w heavy when i checked it before starting to play the server. 11. After reading my answers, im pretty sure you might wonder, if there is no dual box how are people leveling. Random groups and CP's are common. The two mainstream types are RB groups and AOE. There are AOE zones for pretty much any level stage. Its mostly feature for nukers, but support classes and a tank are required. Past 40 lvl, fighter classes like Gladiators and Warlords are also invited for they have strong aoe skills which also do over-hit. Summoners are also invited in those groups, with elemental summoenrs even having strong aoe servitor. Regarding RB parties, this is the option for fighters and archers in particular. Again you want a tank and some support classes, the only condition for fighters is to have bow(even without being an archer). And again summoners are welcome here. The warlock has a fighter buff similar to dance at higher level and summoners provide awesome mass cubics in general
  7. Hey, i am wondering if its possible to input the in-game party matching messages on the site, so its possible to see what groups are being created without being online?
  8. i know gladiators can aoe past 40 and could be taken in aoe groups, plus you could pull mobs. There are also the RB groups which only condition is have a bow and most of the time its mixed classes of gladis, tyrants, warsmiths etc. As long as there is RB available, finding the players is never a problem
  9. hi, i play BD, will reach 50 lvl soon. I am also finding it hard to find a solid international guild. I joined one, but its currently inactive because the leader have some personal life issues. The guilds i encounter are language restricted, or even if English is the official, there is other language involved often. So i just stick to random groups for now, altho it takes longer to find one sometimes. There might be some good international guilds, but they are very high lvl
  10. the problem is i can hardly meet the community to play with in order to keep rolling. People are scarce, and usually divided by nationalities.
  11. no but if you constantly facing high lvl guys screwing you up its very discouraging to play
  12. i reply directly to the topic and not the personal call outs ppl bring up. When i saw your topic title i was instantly judging its another noob rant and lets be honest, such titles are very stupid. But you bring up a good topic, altho with bad arguments. We all know this is an old school l2 realm and things like PK, items drop, exp loose etc. are not only part of the game but essential and major part of the game charm lay in them. When i first went to the common exp zones, namely the aoe groups spots i also was stuck with the same thing. Getting stunned while mobs chase me, being PK-ed etc. At first i was, ok, its the game ive chosen after all, but at some point you start to feel that this isnt the minority. The players that want to abuse those game mechanics are a majority and they are there to make your life miserable. They dont even do it for personal benefit, they are literally spending hours in preventing you from doing what this game is mainly about- grinding exp and progressing. The sad thing is those are advanced players, way ahead of newcomers and they are ready to abuse their advantage to the limit. What they dont understand is they are chasing away newcomers and the result is they will just remain those advanced players with no community or competition to play with. You have those alter chars, ppl logging 2-3 of them, bringing the high lvl buffer, the B grade char to keep the spot and the dedicated PK logged on demand to expel anyone who dare to even try hunt in the vicinity. And you have that group of newbies, which was hard to establish, driven away and eventually logging off, maybe permanently. I was constantly victim of such behavior. There was that dude who came to ask for party, but denied because he was playing a class unfit for the aoe party and we had complete setup anyway and in reply, instead of finding another spot or party, he just came with his alt archer to stun us and literally sat there for hours. Or several times when a full party of ppl exp-ing was driven away by end game group, even when we were farming in the edge of the area and not interfering much. Its just sad cus you should be helping instead and make sure this server gets good publicity.
  13. thanks for the detailed answers. I thought its someone that just play occasionally(on his own char), but it turned out to be more complicated ;P
  14. Hi, title says the most important. I am looking for mature international clan(only English in chat). I am decently active right now and as long as i have fun with the game, but i might go more casual in the future. Even clan that cant offer me group my lvl works right now, as long as it offers bonus exp EDIT: in-game Nick- Tya