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About Przerywnik

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  1. ​im sorry i just missunderstood you and read "i sell mine" instead of "i sold mine"
  2. ​please send me the mail - name Krasiek
  3. ​can u give me your game name?
  4. ​what is cp? Edit: watch guys, we have got 3 badass girls here! nice!
  5. Hello! I was wondering how many female players we have here? ;D Leave your sign here! Cheers!
  6. Przerywnik

    Klan PVE

    ​Krasiek :)!
  7. Przerywnik

    Klan PVE

    Bump! Widze, że dużo ludzi tu zagląda i chociaż komentuje Wiaro, bądźcie trochę bardziej rozgarnięci! Zdrowia!
  8. Poland, Opolskie (south,west part) here. Im sitting opposite the window, behind my laptop atm
  9. Przerywnik

    Global Chat

    ​I understand you, but sometime i have to do a new character to earn some money, i think getting lvl 20 to chat like that its a bit to late on rates like that here. For me the safe lvl would be 10 instead of 20 to give you opportunity to use chat like this. Cheers.
  10. better if this think would work inside the game client, it may base on the poppular web browser or something but it doesnt need to use your alt+tab to switch the client and the ircclient. Peace.
  11. Przerywnik

    Global Chat

    Im an old tibia player from 7.6 tibia client. IN tibia there always was something like "global game chat" without with i couldnt imagine. Every time i was bored while grinding i was using it and making a lot of friends and new pals chatting to eachothers on global channel. Yes, right now im BORRED while spoiling the same MOB for last 3 hours to make money for those damn sake Dgrade items, and it would be LOVELLY to CHAT with someone else while doing this - especially when you are a NO GRADE NOOB and noone wants you to add you to their clan and talk with u
  12. Przerywnik

    Klan PVE

    Witam, spoiler 25lvl szuka klanu, który uwielbia czerpać fun przedewszystkim z czestych wypadów na raidy. To jest ta część która w l2 podoba mi sie najbardziej i szukam ludzi mogących przygarnąć mnie pod swoje skrzydla.