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Everything posted by WebFabio

  1. WebFabio

    server live?

    My opnion : All were deceived in this project had promised . I believe we are laboratory rats because we lose our time on testing and more testing and no one sees light at the end of the tunnel . Do not forget that the Closed Beta via already been done much earlier, with another site name. At the end the server is 100 % what it will take , it will be resold as workflow for companies interested in purchasing. They may believe that there will be a ready very big start , but many people will not continue playing so Inova US open .
  2. ​Lineage Classic = É um servidor Hybrido, entre o C1/C2, mas todo refeito e padronizado com o melhor que há hoje em parte grafica. Sim existe skill recharge para mana. Sim os summoners podem usar shouts e buffers Cursed bones para o Death Spike eu não sei, mas aconselho a ver no youtube a versão russa ou coreana do jogo para caso de duvidas.
  3. I am from Brazil and my ping ranges from 250-400 in the Russian server. My question which region in Europe that is located server host. And what server to WTFAST would be ideal to use.
  4. ill buy premium only for lifetime... just say me one price... or ill prefer play with notebook+dektop....
  5. joaquin u are not prepared to play classic... go home!
  6. i voted for ban because he use bot program. noob !
  7. WebFabio


    ​No way! no potions
  8. Fala MosquitO ! Lembra de mim? Nos conhecemos no CBT, eu era um pobre anão que não conseguia mudar de classe achando que tava bugado rs... E vc me convenceu a criar um warcryer, que acabei gostando bastante dele no beta Bora marcar de jogar qnd startar hein! Já to preparando o note pro dualbox spoiler + warcyer...rs Abraços!