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Posts posted by Urox

  1. 2 hours ago, Stiba007 said:

    1. Nice CS, nice mass pvps, GF All

    2.Dont make this topic anymore, everyone know than u r dirty boters, u were/u r / u will. Ban on your cp.

    3.Nevil stop play here before 13 days, so boter us u, dont talk about him anymore. He was fair player, u r only common trickster.

    4. 210vs160 and mass pvp were rly good, god help u when we will have same numbers. :D


    dont forget switch off ur alarm in FG 

  2. fight vs kiam? sure they have spoiler and 2x hawk in their mage cp setup, while sws/EE from their side was boxed/afk

    fight vs demoss? 3 boxed chars, having train on them

    this is supposed to be interesting? ok

    I'm the only one who get bored watching this kind of video?? ¬¬ after watching the first pvp vs those kind of setups i just closed the video, im not for this anymore...

    it's allways interesting to watch your first blood tho, you know how to keep the range xD

    ​you shouldn't talk about keep the range B|B|