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Posts posted by Jacky

  1. Where does Wild Magic SB drop??? 1.5 wiki has it only on Forest of Mirrors mobs. And you dont have it here in "Added list"


    Same question for Silence SB, Seal of Suspension Amulet, Broad Sweep SB , Amulet Seal of SIlence, SB Sleeping Cloud.

    I would really recommend you to rewise all this decision about changing the drops to 1.5.. Since you basicly cut the players opportunities to get spellbooks (some of them even completly LOL)

  2. literaly nothing changed on that book drop xD if it would be missing or something like some other drops were we would say about it and say when it was fixed, this one is funny becuz he was allways there xD

    ​Well guys you still didnt answer what I was asking in the topic, are you at least considering returning some spellbooks back where they were dropping untill u will have full 1.5 drops list aviable (with mobs in locations which are not rdy now). You added several spellbook to mobs where they are not in 1.5 anymore, but some not, I dont quite see the reasoning behind that.. you can focus on SB which are now exclusive for EV only thats most problematic part I guess. Thanks for any reasonable answer in advance.

  3. Why no reaction whatsoever on the fact that we have now lower chaces of getting spellbooks coz mostly having only 1 mob dropping them instead of two. Would be cool to see: "Allright dont worry, the harrits are coming also soon or we working on it or we will add back those spellbooks drops missing actually in game to the mobs where they dropped before", just anything instead of Ctrl+C  Ctrl+V from patch notes of EV. Real point of the topic is just that...never said I dont know where the books should drop.

  4. rNjT5URfall the info about the new spellbooks drops can be found on the same thread with the update patch notes.


    ​Ofc its EV, but there are more options to drops books, which are not aviable since u made 1.5 drops w/o haveing 1.5 mobs there is plenty drops in Forest of Mirrors, you should have left for example Haste book in SoS also on trisalim tarantula until harits are aviable...

  5. Hello, I have decided recently to start playing (after being active during beta) and I can see there are some changes underway. And as I undestood the drops are changed to 1.5 patch, but we are in like 1.3 and there is some work in progress on LoA but not other stuff from 1.5, which means ther are several crucial things missing ... like more mobs for spellbooks drops, the update on classic meant to help ppl to get more chances to get those, so they added stuff to forest of mirrors EV etc... but u basicly cutted old drops from around Ivory tower cruma or wherever they were in 1.0 -1.3 applied new drops from 1.5 while you doesnt have the mobs for all those drops...such decisions like we will make drops already 1.5 and ppl will be "happy" about it might need some more insight what all it will cause. I am not complaining about the updates, I like those its great, but the balance with drops is now broken (not even saying how many mobs have now broken spoils, coz hand updates in DB didnt work that well, there is plenty mobs where spoil isnt set correctly). Or am I wrong and there are othwerways to drop some things which are unique to forrest of mirrors drops lists? The server might be attracting more and more new ppl and be more and more healthy/alive, but I would welcome more thinking in advance before making such changes like i described above, it brings more pain for new players, while the old ones doesnt have to care.

  6. Jacky: Ty ses koukam ze vsim hned hotovy. Kdyz na ten server jdes sam, tak nekde musis sehnat nejaky lidi, se kteryma si zahrajes a jsi na podobne vlne. Takze pak jsi vdecny za takovy "forum recruit" klan a lidi v nem;) Protoze jinak nemusis hrat online hru, ale muzes smazit neco offline rovnou. Ver, ze i v nem muzes nalezt schopne lidi. Ale pokud nekoho bavi solovat nebo hrat s cizincema, tak prosim, nikomu to neberu... Jen prosim min nosanek nahoru ;)

    ​Ono si to chce jen trochu vic zjistit kdo tu třeba hraje nebo plánuje hrát a mít trochu přehled o klanech nebo lidech co přichází v úvahu s nima hrát. Nic proti klanu co třeba vznikne na foru nemám, jen některý lidi do takových klanů vstupují s jinejma představama než jakou je takový klan schopen naplnit a těch lidí je pak škoda protože to vzdají moc rychle.

  7. Tak bysme se se ženou taky rádi přidali (na fb už jsme). Očekávat nás můžete tak 2-3 hodinky v prime timu a o většině víkendů. Co budem hrát? Kdo ví. Já se nemůžu rozhodnout, a žena je v tom nová. Když bude zájem, asi se dá hrát cokoliv bude potřeba...

    ​Hlavně nebrečet o bottrainech když tu žádný nejsou.

    ​a) neni to z mý hlavy

    b) proč to taháš sem?

    ​Tak nepapouškuj kde co si kdo vymyslí, lidi co maj OE trošku na +5 D stafky akorát neměli možnost dělat C stafku, nic na tom neni. Napsal jsem to jsem jelikož mě mrzí, že takový bláboly na fóru píše nějaký čech.

    Navíc se polovina lidí co začnou pak hrát utopí v nějakém random "forum recruit" klanu, který se jak už tradičně tady koukám začal samovolně vytvářet, i když třeba nejsou úplně tak špatný, tak takovýhle klany zakládaj absolutní zoufalc...

  8. Well, that's exactly my point. Not even dwarves will make much more money, because there will be noone able to pay theme. Or are people really gonna blow all of their income on the soulshots, that they won't be able to use consistently anyways?

    ​For Classic its still considerable option to make a bit more money as dwarven classes, I would recommend If you will be alone or max duo, u might want to have at least spoiler, which makes double or even more at earlier stages of leveling as other characters.

  9. Tak bysme se se ženou taky rádi přidali (na fb už jsme). Očekávat nás můžete tak 2-3 hodinky v prime timu a o většině víkendů. Co budem hrát? Kdo ví. Já se nemůžu rozhodnout, a žena je v tom nová. Když bude zájem, asi se dá hrát cokoliv bude potřeba...

    ​Hlavně nebrečet o bottrainech když tu žádný nejsou.

  10. I don't want to know when the live will start ATM, I do want admins to fix as much as possible before even thinking to release it live, right now there is much work to do. Nobody wants server to go live with a lot of unwanted errors and bugs. - that is not the way you want to go. Join the beta and help out fixing stuff. Ppl have nowhere to go If the really want to play Classic.

  11. Hi,

    I wonder if you already think about a bug tracker, because report section is a really mess.

    It's more easier for you to tracker and resolve case, with priority and progress bar.

    There are few tracker available on the web but i like especially one because, it is free : http://www.flyspray.org/

    If you want to see how it look : https://bugs.flyspray.org/

    Maybe you don't have time, for the moment, but it will help you.

    ​Thats quite nice, maybe they use smt similiar, but in private, who knows :)

  12. actually u c could run to aden and the rest of the map behind the mountains after hunters but russian developers fixed the geodata glitch.  also all castles/territories/texures are client sided so i dont its bug if they exist. there are no npcs/mobs so its pointless to be there anwyay

    on topic: making final quest rates so ppl can text the actual drop rate would be nice.

    ​Yeah its not important, thats cool to know anyway, thx for info.

  13. We are currently running this. From RU Classic, seems same as the Korean.

    Color name monsterThe difference in the levels ofThe penalty for gaining experienceThe penalty for a trophy
    Name goals11 and morenono
    Name goals6 ~ 10nono
    Name goals3 ~ 5nono
    Name goals-2 ~ +2nono
    Name goals



    a small fine
    Name goals



    serious penalty
    Name goals--11 And moreno experienceNo trophies

    ​Little difference they stop at 5% 10+ lvl diff. Pls have a look on Testimony topic once more, i cant continue again..

  14. Dont like this idea. It promotes killing white mobs over green once too greatly.

    Player gets more exp from higher level mobs and it comes at the price of difficulty. Yet player should be able to farm efficiently and mana wise on green mobs. This is fine.

    You suggest punishing players or at least some classes for exping on semi easy mobs. Which is not fine :)

    ​You have no clue...there is already penalty now on green mobs its greater, the bigger lvl difference is and also more than 10lvl difference is 0XP/0SP/0drop.

    This is not my suggestion, this is how it works on Classic...and its a bit different than its set here right now.

  15. did u play l2 classic before?

    Do you think you could run to Aden in Classic 1.0, or get invisible dimensional diamonds on Classic 1.0 during getting transfer quests, or did Classic use the html files pointing to nonexisting places on the Classic 1.0 map? Why do you ask such question...isnt it obvisous?

    I am just reporting here to the dev/admin how is it here with transfer quests atm, u getting 5x beads friom ants, 5x q items from strain/ghoul, 7x from the bat, 10x from silenos already, so he knows what to watch out before modifing this.

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