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About Alexosa

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  1. Hey. I am a lvl 48 Tyrant. If you still need players, pm or mail Raikami in-game .
  2. I will try that. Thx for the help
  3. Hi. I left my character afk on fishing, and when I came back home I saw that I was disconnected. I tried to login again, but when I select the server and press next, nothing happens. I even tried opening the updater but I get the message "Error while downloading options". Anyone knows what is the issue and how can I fix it? (If i can fix it)
  4. Alexosa

    Ceva romani noi?

    Am inceput si eu de ieri sa joc (Healer).E cineva dispus sa ma ia in clan?
  5. Whenever i switch my weapon the automatic function for soulshots is activated. Is there a way to stop this?