Karen Serena

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Posts posted by Karen Serena


    10 hours ago, FryderykChopin said:

    As for the players - don't get discouraged if you don't meet anyone in the pre-40 areas. The truth is that absolute majority of people level up pre-50 through RBs, and you should as well :) If you're looking for exact online numbers, we don't have them as admins don't share - last 'leak' said around 2k online, and honestly the online numbers haven't changed much since the server started 2,5 years ago (I was here, I remember :P). As Phoe suggested, I recommend checking the Giran Harbor. I mean it's not exactly the most accurate indicator, but it can give you some peace of mind ^_^

    Ok thanks :)

    I have another question about 1st and 2nd class changes , should I do the quest or is there another way?