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Have you seen the dutch language? It's like a mixture of French, German and I don't know what the fuck else. It's a mess.
No offense to Ukraine but I doubt they'll be able to bring you what you need. When your workforce leaves It's usually the ones that are either exceptional within their field or have a higher education and when that happens they're incredably difficult to replace. Serbia/Bosnia and to a lesser extent Croatia are still dealing with the empty space left behind after their civil wars when basicly everyone with a University education left their countries. Greece can't staff their hospitals properly anymore and that's not just because they can't affoard It but also because the ones who used to staff them decided to leave. This is also one of the biggest problems with the current migration crisis as the vast majority of the people who come lack the adequate education to work in Europe making them dead weight. As time goes on and technology pushes forward these issues will only grow as Automation and AI take over more jobs. Once self driving cars (which isnt that far away mind you) hits then that will cause a huge amount of unemployment as the transportation sector is a gigantic source for jobs today.
Migration isnt necessarily bad. It all boils down wether or not their benefit to your society is greater than their cost. In your scenario when parts of your work force leave the country they're not costing your society anything but the income that they spend is 100% profit. The only time that becomes iffy is if your skilled labor leaves and you can no longer find doctors, engineers and other professionals with a high degree of education. @felicioschlickmann Rio isnt all that bad. São Paulo however is a completely different matter. Never in my life am I visiting that dump again.
Well considering that I probably less than 100 hours of actual playing on the server due to being off in London with my girlfriend for 2 months I doubt you'd know me but It's not like I'm hiding the identity of my characters.
Takes like 5 seconds to go through my posts to find the screenshot I submitted on the bots outside Aden.
Everything is relative. Sweden is still infinitely safer than most countries in the world. The issue is that things are getting worse and worse here - where as countries like Poland or The Czech Republic have been getting better. Even with that said though, the murder rate difference between a country like The Czech Republic and Sweden amounts to a .2 (1.1 vs 0.9) murders per 100k citizens. If you want to make a more extreme comparison you can take that 1.1 per 100k and compare it to some states in the US, Brazil or Mexico where the same rate is somewhere around 40-60. I think I did the math on Chicago a few months back and came to the conclusion that they had something like a quarter of our population with 7 times the murders and Chicago is by no means the worst in the US. Take a walk in a bad neighborhood in Warsaw, which I have, and compare it to one of the places in Stockholm where the camera crews were attacked and you'll quickly understand the difference and how fucking silly this concept of Sweden being a fucked up place to live really is. @Stiba007 talked about how they go to the Bulgarian sea side when they go on vacation. If you ever want to see Russian/Bulgarian/Albanian/Whatever organized crime they're really not hard to find over there and more or less the whole of Sunny Beach was controlled by them when I went there ~5-6 years ago. Also, The picture of "Multiculturalists vs Nationalists" is incredably outdated. I think something like 5-6 parties out of the 8 with government mandates are for a restrictive migration policy moving forward and the Sweden democrats (The party to which the people in Myrtan's image belong to) is currently polling somewhere between 1-3 with above 20% of the votes for the current election which will take place in 13 days. There's a more "radical" party called AfS or Alternative for Sweden that want to not only restrict the intake of new migrants but also start sending home the non-criminal ones who are already here. The reason why I pointed out the non-criminal part is that almost all parties support the deportation of criminal migrants.
If you don't care then why are you behaving like I raped your grandmother, ran over your dog and put your house on fire? Swedes are practical. Just like we decided to switch religions from Norse -> Catholic -> Lutheran -> Atheist/Agnostic because It was convinient for us at the time do you seriously think we're going to waste our time designing a flag when the danes have already done it for us? Slap some new colors on that bitch and good as new. Not to mention that It pissed the danes off properly which is always a bonus.. It's quite funny how a mild remark about your wannabe-polish-flag got your panties so twisted up that you completely ignored the original discussion. Interesting. P.S. If you're going to insult me you're going to have to do better than "Copy-paste danneborg with different colors" That's right motherfucker, We did. We jacked their shit just like we jacked Skåne.
Well I am going to do something I don't usually do and make an assumption that the suicide statistics in Sri Lanka is compiled by an NGO rather than the Sri Lankan government. But yes, I'm suprised aswell.
More likely It's just really due to the inability of the goverment to compile reliable statistics. Note also that The Czech Republic isnt on that list and the only source I can find on them is this; https://www.radio.cz/en/section/news/czech-suicide-rate-higher-than-eu-average and I have no idea how reliable they are but if correct would put their suicide rates above ours (1129) In all seriousness though, Weed does wonders in treating depression. There was a story a few years back here of a guy who suffered from chronic depression and switched over to weed from those horrible pills that psychiatrists hand out like candy. Since he didnt want to feed the criminal underworld with his money he decided to grow on his own. Guy got busted by the popo and thrown in jail.
Why would you make some retarded assumption when it litterally takes 3 seconds to look it up? Is your internet connection too slow to load webpages or what's the reasoning behind you not being able to google? http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/suicide-rate-by-country/
Clever girl..Even the image of their flag is low budget! Perfect flag my ass. Poland with a twist more like it.
Alcohol is an incredably bad example to use for a comparison considering the fact that Sweden has a state monopoly on alcohol sales due to our historical issues with alcoholism and death related to alcohol consumption ~50 years ago and back similar to how England charges you 12£ for a pack of smokes to decrease the amount of cancer patients. Regardless if you are right or not in that living in Sweden or Scandinavia as a whole is more expensive your way of looking at it is flawed. Higher wage even when you account for higher living costs almost always results in a greater purchasing power since most businesses are global and most taxrates for importing goods are fixed at an EU level. When you build a new computer, buy a new car or do just about anything that doesnt doesnt have a short shelflife you pay the same as I do with your less than half average wage. Not to mention, When I visit your country I can spend my vacation living like a king with servants while you'll be crawled up in some shitty hostel eating ramen when you come here.
Migration is definately an issue that's had an impact on the quality of life but the average wage here is still 2560 euro compared to the 1096 they have in the Czech Republic.
If you live anywhere in the world with aspirations of being middle or upper middle class learning english is almost a must in the modern society. The only exception in terms of regions might be if you're a spanish speaker located in South/Central America considering that you have almost an entire continent to yourself. English is manditory since the age of 9 in my country, Sweden, Which currently resides 12 rankings above the czech republic on the Quality of Life index (And I'm quite confident when I say that the quality of life has never been lower here than in a former soviet satelite state) and even with the current MENA invasion life here is still better than the vast majority of countries in the world.
Perhaps a bit presumptuous of me to think that every person is capable of doing a simple google search. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada_3301
Reading through your posts is like trying to decipher the fucking Cicada puzzle. That form of the english language is only taught in Afghani caves. Well played sir.
https://imgur.com/a/0QfFNeV @KollAll these fags have been more or less afk botting the past 2 weeks with absolutely no repocussions. I'll give you to the end of the week to remove them from the game or I'll write this server of as failed and stop logging in. Edit; xTitanx (Last Screenshot) now auto logs off as soon as I get within range of him but you can enjoy the auto response afk botting in the picture. He's botting next to Piiiig but last time I managed to catch a glimpse of him he was dead on the ground. Auto potion, super blatant botting on all will litterally take 5 seconds of observation to understand that they're botting their asses of. Edit; They're ingame right now. Perfect oppertunity for you to go do your job.
So, Someone logged into someone elses account with malicious intentions and without the consent of the owner and now people are mad because the GM's returned things to Status Quo? Are you fucking serious? And the excuses that you give couldve been constructed by a 5 year old. Just because I invited you to chill at my place once doesnt give you the right to break in and smash my TV while I'm on vacation just because you saw where I put the fucking spare key. If you can't win the game by playing It or at the very least handle losing like a man just stop playing the game. My biggest problem with this game is that It's since long been filled with pansies who've forgot the art of losing and have to win by any means necessary. Mass petitions to get people banned, Use of 3rd party software to level your character, Use of 3rd party software to even play your fucking character not to mention that you PR every time you might lose some fucking EXP. I know all of these things make you feel like you are the best gamer that's ever sat infront of a computer but deep down you know that you're killing the game by taking the fun out of it. On a side note; I seriously hope the GM's will consider the removal of Bsoe, Party Recall and other anti-pvp carebear bullshit tools from the game.
So, Time to revive this thread; Are we just going to allow botting on the server or what? Evercraider clan is basicly afk botting all day every day out in the open in the most obvious way (Auto potions, Some even with auto message response when they get attacked) and in the most obvious places. They're not even trying to hide it but apparently the only way for them to get banned is through me on my shitty laptop frapsing it and sending it? Cause Koll sure doesnt bother reading his messages and theres never any GM's in game. Bottom line; Should we just allow afk botting?
Sure, Compare me to someone who looks like he learned how to speak english in a cave in Afghanistan. Fuck you.
My attitude? Simply stating the obvious truth. Someone who's cap or near cap running around griefing people in their 50ies will sooner or later galvanize the server against them. I have played this game since beta and Ive seen this pattern repeat Itself so many times. And I couldnt give a fuck about what you think about my attitude, As far as I'm concerned you can go fuck yourself too.
No idea what that's supposed to mean but kids with a napoleon complex that can't achieve anything against the people who are on their level and feel the need to run around with their third class 78 characters griefing people who are in their mid 50ies to feel any sense of accomplishment will sooner or later lead to the server banding together to exterminate the vermin.
I don't see how any clan can be less liked than Thunder from Wickedsick running around training and stunning people 20 levels below them. iPalusKnight and ReginaGeorge are truely 2 scumbags in a class of their own. And to clarify; That means guilt by association for the entire WS alliance untill these 2 scumfucks are removed from alliance. With people like that in your clan you really don't need to work hard to get enemies. The whole server that's currently in the process of leveling up will naturally side against cocksmokers like you.
https://ibb.co/mswaOo Wouldnt let me insert the link as img but yeah.. Unless Ive done something wrong here theres no setbonus and this applies for Light and Heavy aswell (Got those too but too lazy to log in and take screenshots).
The Quest Set has no set bonus on this server. Which is annoying as fuq