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Everything posted by Nico

  1. The moon set is ok for a class that has to tank damage because it just offers flat P.Def other than that is not that useful, and since you shouldn't be tanking I'd recommend you go for Devotion set (no grade) that will give you much needed casting spd. I'm an ES too lvl 53 and lvled very fast earlier on making trains solo at ant's nest. Ofc I did a bunch of RBs as bow and aoe parties. Until you hit 40 and have boxer's CD removed you won't have infinite mana, you'll play much like a nuker pre-40 that runs out of mana -albeit slower- like anyone else.
  2. Nico

    Making adena

    Sweeeeeeet, thank you very much guys, this will be game changing!
  3. Hi all community, So as I wondering about ways to make adena and the private shop system, you know, those dwarves rooting their asses to the floor for dayzz. Right now I'm trying to study the market and get the right mats to sell but the prices I sell my shit for is so low compared to what other sell it for, you'd think no one would buy Thread for 2 or 1.5k a piece, yet there they are selling thousands and I'm here selling 90 Thread for 200 adena a piece. Is the only solution to leave my laptop on the whole day selling the little I get like them? Or am I missing something? I don't have PA either so if I'm selling I'm not playing.