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Everything posted by seppe

  1. seppe


    Oh lache, nu hebben we zelf een forum sectie een plaatsje om thuis te voelen. thanks draqla
  2. You guy's and your comments they sure crack me up.
  3. Hey Puffyp, I just like IT crowd just a good comedy show its a shame they dont make it anymore. If anybody needs some help just pm me in game and i'll see if I can help you out. 1 more day ......
  4. seppe

    Quest sharing

    should be which way not which why sorry typo
  5. seppe

    Quest sharing

    Intresting getting closer to 50/50 % i wonder how it will play out Thats the fun thing about a poll you never know which why it will go. Personally i like option B more.
  6. 8-9 people on the day of launch sounds awesome. Maybe we could start off in the same clan ? I'll be mostlikely join the harbringer clan eu maybe see you there ? in the main clan or in the ally clans. 2 more days till open beta yeah.
  7. You do know that this lineage classic is not c1 right ? Its a mix from c1 to c5+ with a modern interface and since this is a private server we dont have to do the most annoying parts which for me is waiting for something to spawn. I still remember putting out spies at raidbosses myself and checken my screen every 10 mins or so which does not help anybody because first I will have a lot of boxes online which will create more then enough lag if everybody does it. secondly in most cases when a raidboss does appear there will be shouting in town to make a party. And thirdly there will always be pvp at a raid boss with or without a countdown. but now you can actually plan to make a raidboss party with your friends in advance and do something els in or out the game. Finally nobody is forcing you to visit the website or adventure npc you can just walk too it and see if its there or not. ALSO This is the suggestion part of the forum it is meant to make suggestions. So there you have it Chevignon. I never saw a game that was perfect from the start but we can always improve on it.
  8. You think it would be a good idea to add a countdown on the webpage for raidbosses or the adventure npc in town ? Might be handy to know when it pop ups again after it was killed.
  9. seppe

    Quest sharing

    Dear Everybody, Knowing not that this lineage classic has it or not I ask the question if you and your friend, clan or party members who are in party and diong the same quests. Do you get the quest items together or do you have that random luck generator and just 1 person in the party gets the quest item each time a mob drops it or does everybody get it ? Basically scenario A. 7 party members kill a mob 1 gets the item (everybody has the quest) or B. 7 party members kill a mob everybody gets the quest item (everybody has the quest) So which one will you vote for ? Thank you, 4 more days to open beta yeah yeah yeah
  10. Hiya everybody, So it is an issue that the majority might agree on to change that to a quest sharing system if possible. I think it is since it does happen in the newest version of lineage 2. If i remember correctly. Lets see what happens i'll make a poll out of it. Thanks,
  11. Dear Everybody, Knowing not that this lineage classic has it or not I ask the question if you and your friend, clan or party members who are in party and diong the same quests. Do you get the quest items together or do you have that random luck generator and just 1 person in the party gets the quest item each time a mob drops it or does everybody get it ? Basically scenario A. 7 party members kill a mob 1 gets the item (everybody has the quest) or B. 7 party members kill a mob everybody gets the quest item (everybody has the quest) So which one is it ? Thank you, 4 more days to open beta yeah yeah yeah
  12. seppe


    Hey fenrir, Yeah I must be more specific. I was not talking about those instant potions nor cp pots only the overtime potions like the onces you can buy at the generalstore those hp pots basically a small overtime supplement. So it is called mana drug in the link and healing drug. The idea for me was that the potion could be made by the support characters like i dont know oracle, prophet, shilien oracle, warcryer, overlord ...... etc. By gathering herbs dropped by mobs or grown in a specific area or randomly. So that would give the support something fun to do. Now I dont want it to be a strong effect just enough for pve that you dont have to wait for your mana bar to be empty and sit down on the ground diong nothing for 5 minuts until its full again. I know I know there are recharges out there in the world of lineage. But they would not be online all the time and who will use a mana drug if you have a mana recharger in party anyways. Thanks,
  13. seppe

    offline trading

    Hey Pingg, You know that message you quoted me on is almost half a months old ? When the poll starded it was a clear yes now its going back and forth a bit but its always has bieng more Yes. And for Kils the offline shop is not only for prenium accounts it is for everybody. Also classic lineage is does not mean C1 it is a mix of C1 till i believe C4 it really is a mix of old and new So why not take the good things we love and put them in. Thanks
  14. seppe

    offline trading

    Hey Chlastacz Please find the Poll offline trade and vote Yes if you feel that way i certainly voted yes. If it does succeed it will be implemented.
  15. seppe

    EU clan ?

    Hey googleboon, I found your post lets meet in game soon. See you when you get there.
  16. Yeah i heared cursed bones will be expensive .. and i dont think you can summen them in this chronicle well not yet anyway. But good luck atleast your summen will be the strongest have fun
  17. Hello Googleboon, Class you will play : warsmith (because i just love building stuff)Estimate online activity (Hours per day, which days of week): during the week 3-4 hours during the weekend 3-5 hoursHow many months you will play for: cannot tell you since live is unpredictable but from history i stay about 3-4 yearsWhere do you live: BelgiumLanguages: English, dutch, french , german (understanding spanisch) Declare that you'll let us know if you need quit/take a break and offload any assets you have into CWH/Clan leader (upon return we'll re-gear you as best we can): i dont mind that since i'll be most likely crafting gear for clannies anyway
  18. seppe

    Party exp

    Hey doze, Well obviously New is what i am suggesting. (what els would it mean its in the suggestion section of the forum) And yes the party total exp is more the whole point is that the individual exp per player is higher compared to a solo player as i explained nor do i think it is overpowered since you only get a slight increase per player joined compared to a solo playing style. If you think the exp increase per player is a little high you can always lower from 10% too i dont know 5% exp increase per player. I made this suggestion that players would play more togheter from the beginning since there will be no grief about exp loss compared to a solo play style. If you have an other suggestion i am all ears. (They only thing that i liked about the newest lineage is that support classes can use every buff since they mixed them together) (but thats beside the point) What is true is that you would make less adena since you would level up faster but i dont think adding an adena increase party bonus is a way to fix this or does it ? (sarcasme is hard to convey in a text) Why you say that the 5th member so in total 6 party size would make almost as much exp per player as i would just solo it ? Can you put that in the excel sheet ? so i can look it over ? Eventually I will have to see for myself if I can find a party fast while playing this newly mixed classic chronicle c1 to c5 I believe. I do not think my New system will be implemented because the admins have their hands full with other things... But none the less it is something to discus about while we wait for the open beta or the grand opening. Either way i'll be playing. And by all means thanks Doze for your comment. P.S. Oh right one thing i forgot to mention is i did not think about the sp the reason is that. If I talk about exp for me that is exp and sp togheter just to clarify that so you would not out level yourself and be stuck with skill you can not upgrade because of low sp income. Sorry my bad.
  19. seppe

    Party exp

    Hey doze, Thanks for your comment I put my idear in an excel sheet Just need to know if the lower part (what I call the old system) is right For the old system I added 10% exp for each player joined in the party (except for the 7th and 8th player i added more to get to 80%) for the new system I added 10% exp to their recieved exp, thats the main diffrence Offcourse it does not have to be 10% I am fine if it is lower. ( for the new system) And doze I put in an excel sheet in the uploaded files so you can fill in the old system if there is something wrong with it. Maybe this will give a clearer overview for what i mean to achieve. NEW party exp system playersexp mob party exp bonus % increasetotal party exp exp per player recieved 1100010010021002,2022011031003,6036012041005,2052013051007,0070014061009,00900150710011,201120160810013,601360170910016,201620180 Old party exp system numer of players playersexp mob party exp bonus % increasetotal party exp exp per player recieved 1100010010021001,101105531001,201204041001,301303351001,401402861001,501502571001,701702481001,801802391002,0020022 Thanks looking forward for some comments. party exp bonus.xlsx
  20. seppe

    Party exp

    Hey haapy, I do know what the c4 was till the last version we currently are in lineage 2. Also I do know that there are no npc buffers and no mana potions. (kinda feel sad that my mana potion craft for support was swept under the table) ( is in an other post of mine) yes I agree the mobs go down faster but that does not mean the respawn time of the mobs will not go faster. so yes mobs are dead and now what ? wait wait wait. mob respawn. phinapallada thanks for that calculation. So from what I understand you need to be atleast with 9 players if you want more exp per mob than you do with solo killing since 8 players is only 80% exp from the original mob. Well it is hard to keep a party of 9 players since there is always one that needs to leave for some reason. In my opinion my party exp suggestion is still better it will allow more exp bonus for smaller parties which are the most common one. Thanks for you opinions so far. Just need to know if its even possible to do this from draqla. And maby make this into a poll later.
  21. seppe

    Party exp

    Hello everybody I was wondering if we could change the party exp from the old way to a new way it has always bugged me in lineage 2 that well the purpose of a mmorpg is that people play with eachother in an online game. But most of the time in almost any mmorpg people will play solo just because you can level up faster. Sure they do get together for a dungoen and a raidboss but that is about it and some pvp left and right in most cases 70% of the time will be played solo. so why not change that ? I know there is some kind of formula that each time a player joins a group that the exp will increase in total. But most of that effect is in a full party of 9 players and that is if nobody needs to leave every 20 or 40 minuts. Lets simplify that shall we. Lets say I kill a mob wich gives me 100 exp. Now somebody joins my party and we get a party bonus of 10% each player joined. Now we kill an other mob now i get 110 exp from that mob. And if we finally get to that 9 player party. kill the same mob again and now I recieve 190 exp. I am hoping that this effect will help players make more parties with everybody they come across. If this is possible offcourse the party bonus eachtime a player joins does not have to be 10% but can be lower. The point is that there is an increase in every player joinned Further more i am only talking about exp not adena or drop increase and etc.. only exp here. So what do you guy's think ? Please leave some comments below.
  22. Dwarves for the win We might not be long distance runners but we are natural sprinters dangerious at close distance
  23. You dont loose items and exp when you are in offline shop in town well that is one worrie less for Mikeks thank you draqla that is a great help now all vote yes for offline shop because well whats the harm of getting some more sleep
  24. i always find it funny that these polls keep changing makes me laugh first everybody wizard and no suport now support and warroirs are taking the lead i wonder what will happen next .
  25. A fully english client that is awesome cannot wait to see those images. i'll be playing on the english server.