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About xvD

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  1. xvD

    Class choice

    I suposse i will find a good friend with a buffer that will share his acc or maybe not but right now that the least of my worries.
  2. xvD

    Class choice

    I'm going tyrant just because i can get invite to aoe groups in the future. I do preffer to play dagger tho
  3. xvD

    Class choice

    Well, gonna be a big muscle tyrant then.
  4. xvD

    Class choice

    Videos in youtube says the opposite, but i think you have to be super stacked to do that.
  5. xvD

    Class choice

    I really do not care if they one shot or not, i like them for the mechanics of the class. They are like assassins. Tyrants seems cool to and they can aoe so i will able to find aoe groups at one point. But daggers are dope. Damn!
  6. xvD

    Class choice

    My last dagger experiene was PW in Gracia and i was doing pretty good damage to almost all classes, they were machines and i really like them. But i really dont know anything about classic so far plus one shotting people seems really nice.
  7. Hey, going to start playing here since there is not a good server to play and i really want to try this classic thing. Gonna play solo, wont pay for dualbox so i will be playing just one char. Tired of playing bards or supports just because i want a slot in a cp. I'm going solo and i hate summoners to, what do you guys recommend me between tyrant and pw? really like those two classes. i know im going to have a super hard time because of not buffer but i really don't care much. i even thinking about glad at this point. PW seems like a lot of fun tbh but tyrant seems more stable both pve/pvp... Any suggestions?