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Everything posted by yummydain

  1. Hello all, Recently decided to give this server another try but cannot find my old characters... I had a 55+ prophet that no longer shows on any of my accounts, and I don't know how to recover him
  2. Three adena sellers Keke B1231 Karetu
  3. How does clan leader transfer work on this server? I know on retail you'd have to wait until the servers went down for maintenance for the transfer to take place. I made a clan last night and used some of my resources to level it up for buffs, and went to transfer leadership to a friend so he can level it further. When will he gain leadership? Will he be able to transfer leadership back to me once he's exhausted his resources?
  4. Thanks for all the replies! I'll definitely try out your suggestions. I don't have the money to buy light armor or a new weapon though hehe.
  5. I'm currently leveling cleric with the intent to be a prophet, but I don't remember the zones I can go to that have a lot of undead. I have a few people I play with late at night (US time) but I need somewhere to XP during the day when they're not on. Any suggestions? Any other groups out there looking for a buffer/healer?
  6. Quick question, somewhat confused. When this server does reset will it turn into a x3 instead of x20?