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Everything posted by Azrith

  1. Communicating with your clients is the basic to any successful company. I cant stress this enough this is not the right direction to take if you want to succeed at anything , communication is vital. The more time and lack of information will couse the potential customers to become dissatisfied thus resulting in decline. Just becouse there are no alternatives for different servers does not mean you have the leisure of lazyness. Take this as advice not an insult and we might be able to keep going and actually invest our time in this server.
  2. Hi some of you may or may not know me from playing my dorf on the beta which i grinded to 54 as a warsmith. Im not gonna dwell into the economy at this point though. The main problems : *Russian quest descriptions - easilly fixable with some html and ingame coding , before you try to defend this lineage 2 classic the c1 chronicles do not have that many quests there's under 70 of these ,from which ones the class quests are the worst. Need's immiediate fix . *Raid bosses , npc's, monster's this is preatty important too. *Geodata and monster location's this comes into the sudden teleportation bugs. Might be crritical in future regarding castle sieges. *Lack of communication and moderation on forum's *Lack of moderators on forums that will portray the status of the server and the organization and direction it is taking , this is how buisness works. Everyone with eyes can see the population on the server as well as the forum is dwindling , to give you an example a week ago you had 3x times the amount of users on forums as well as in game. You are killing your project and destroying a very good prospect , you will not only waste the money in your pocket but also waste your time and ours. I incline you to take drastic measures and stop the bleeding before its critical. With regards Az