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vsallL last won the day on December 28 2019

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5 Neutral

About vsallL

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  1. i wos in vexation clan with ally in ooc at roxy 5x nick SlodkaAisza Crafter hero hello all ooc members
  2. vsallL

    Bug report

    I did quest for 3 class thasame bug all the time i try talk to last npc and dont work he dont give me last amulet pls help
  3. InYourDreams rekrutuje Clan lvl 4 + skille / niedługo 5 lvl brakuje nam 7k pof Clan jest polsko-grecki w cc 3 pt lvle 76-80 discord PureCocain#3857 poszukujemy bd / sws / ee 70+full gear b tyrki destro zawsze mile widziani lubimy ubijac rbki w clanie nasz main target to rbki na sv 75 i AQ na tym sie skupiamy mamy 2 WC z gate wiec jestesmy wszedzie jak najszybciej sie da by ujebac rb jesli nie lubisz pvp to nawet nie pisz
  4. Recruting sws / bd to clan pm me in game WednesdayAddams
  5. Recruting on again recruting ppl who speak english with discord pm
  6. 10 spots left for a cp and 1 for bishop asap UP
  7. vsallL

    WTS GS +7

    WTS GS +7 For 144kk / WTT FOR Blood proof 5k pm Thyri