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Everything posted by Gambits

  1. Yes, I see this, some farmers buy others ... everyone is happy with everything ... I open the search and it’s empty there)) there’s nothing to do except RB fees, but alas money doesn’t fall from RB)) China is farming the farm, the rest is they buy and everyone is happy ... my ideas of reviving the server scare you, I understand when you need to get something you need to do something for you, it is AWESOME))
  2. You can continue to write all this nonsense and justify yourself with the phrases “we gave them 2 rings of the queen of ants, you see, they aren’t taking her either ...” and God forbid the admins decide to fix these bosses, I’m very interested to see what you are standing in equal conditions ... P.S. how did you choose the time of the siege and Olympus? gn
  3. Do not be afraid to go forward, any steps to activity are great
  4. If you are given a choice 1) Make epic bosses of high level for which the whole server will fight 2) Leave it as it is, so that 90% of the jewelry would be taken by one clan in the dead of night You choose the 2 Apparently 15 years ago when I was playing in the lineage II you were playing kesinka and sappers solitaire. You are offered to revive the server by making massive wars for everything valuable on it, but you choose a quiet farm where no one will bother you. I’m starting to understand why the Russian community always dominates this game, you just don’t like fighting for something and are afraid of difficulties, I feel sorry for you
  5. I ask you what is wrong in that everyone would fight on equal terms, you behave like a greedy goblin and say "no, leave everything as it is, I just want to quietly take it all without making any effort"
  6. I think you are wrong, and 90% of people would like to participate in these battles. I would show you a video from the server where the epic bosses of the 75-80th lvl appear in a certain period of time ... 7-8 clans come there and fight at 350-500 people because everyone can do it and they do it. Now the farm epic bosses appear as follows: 1) Who will drink more coffee and energy 2) And who has more twins of level 40-50 I watched the video of this server for Baium here it is Is it really so bad that you do not want the same on the rest of the epics? I do not understand you ... why lineage starting in 2017 a way to make money and not have a good time?
  7. The appearance of bosses can be chaotic say 19: 00-23: 00 In any case, we need to work on this. 15 years ago, I could sit on epic bosses for 10-12 hours all night ... now when I and my group are 30+ years old and we have family and children, we go into the game for 3-5 hours in the evening. It turns out if I can’t sit on an epic boss all night or miss a job and stay guard the boss instead, can I not take epic jewelry? All I can do is go to work, earn money, buy Adena on sites, buy your epic and get a ban for RMT?
  8. You play on a European server, therefore you do not say, transfer the SEDGERS at 21:00 Chinese time.
  9. What is the problem of making epic bosses similar to sieges? This server event should be attended by everyone, do not you agree?
  10. It's fun when rep epic boss Baium hits in rep with other epic bosses, you will need to decide what you want more and what you are ready to fight for ... those times when you take everything because it appears exclusively at night should be in the past.
  11. The server is European, and the rules should be European, I understand that 21:00 GMT will not be convenient for everyone, but any decision by the administration will be better than what we see now at night afk farm in one side where people physically cannot come
  12. With the nickname IP Man who owns Wing Chun, I understand your fears that you will have to fight for epic bosses and not pick them up just like that ... I understand you pvp for bosses sounds awful when money is at stake
  13. I understand that this situation is quite suitable for China, and why not make it suit everyone? A game for the sake of the game and pvp and not for the sake of selling things for real money?
  14. What is bad is that this epic will be at a fixed time and everyone will be able to fight for it! What are you afraid of?
  15. I watched the last 7-8 farms of the queen of ants ... which took place at 3-4 nights .. and there were only Chinese ... I see you know so much that you don’t even come to the farm of the queen of ants, or you are one of those Chinese who farm and sell it?
  16. The server is European, all sieges and 9 hour RBs are configured in GMT, I suggest making epic RBs 9 hours too ... so that they would not be killed by one clan at 5-6 nights when everyone either sleeps or works
  17. Лид кидать в пример пати фишера, когда его пати было 45-50 а у врагов пати 38-42лвл это успех) at high levels we can all
  18. I know this, but a person says that at levels 40-65 he will kill something there)
  19. And yes, since you affected pvp let's get my level 60 dagger And I'll take any other physical class Gladiator Destroyer Turant Gnome Tank Warlord ANYWHERE ... and I'm ready to bet on anything; for a dagger you lose to me all 10\10 fights
  20. Did you know that the knife as a weapon has the lowest auto attack rate from the hand, and when wearing light armor and close combat, it is very difficult for them to swing.
  21. I can write in Russian if you learned this language, then my phrases will be more literate
  22. I just listed the classes That there are 15-18 classes in which the basic damage from an auto attack is greater than that of a dagger and it sways easier for them.
  23. In order for the dagger to give damage to 5.000, as you put it, there should be an epic ring 13 super odd and level 78-80 ... only where does the dagger master, it does not give you any bonus to damage
  24. You understand that the damage from an auto attack of a bow of a gnome destroyer goes to 700-3500 damage. My damage with a dagger from my hand goes to 50-70 crit damage 250-300 and with a dagger master I can give skill for 800 damage, is it so bad *?
  25. This is strange, I can hit 8 times and I don’t have mana for skills, the dwarf beats with the same force while stunning me, and even with a blunt master does not spend 70 mana on it but 15 ... it's terrible