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About Stunna

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  1. Ahhh, that makes sense! If that is completely the case, then I think I'm actually between DA and BD then. I figured I'd be pulling trains to max level, hah. Is a DA a class that a solo player should attempt, or just run the BD? Sorry for the dumb questions.
  2. @FryderykChopin Shame about the Warlord -- I really enjoy the human heavy armor aesthetic. My very first L2 character was a BD and I might be going back to my roots. Thanks for the info!
  3. Hey everyone, Looking to start new here and play casual/semi-competitively. I really do not want to multi-box, but I'm not opposed to running ONE single other box. I'm wondering if either of these classes can run solo, or if they cannot, which box works best for each (I assume it's a PP)? I'm considering Blade Dancer, Warlord, or maybe an Overlord (I remember these being difficult to level). Ultimately, I'd like to be wanted for parties, participate in World PvP, and I don't mind farming. Thanks! p.s. I posted this in a different forum category, but couldn't manage to delete. Sorry for repost.
  4. Hey everyone, Looking to start new here and play casual/semi-competitively. I really do not want to multi-box, but I'm not opposed to running ONE single other box. I'm wondering if either of these classes can run solo, or if they cannot, which box works best for each (I assume it's a PP)? I'm considering Bladedancer, Warlord, or maybe an Overlord (I remember these being difficult to level). Ultimately, I'd like to be wanted for parties, participate in World PvP, and I don't mind farming. Thanks for your time.