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Posts posted by Zetih

  1. I always thought it was a bit easy to get good gear by just visiting the Luxuary Shop in Giran and then basically be ready for DV.

    My suggestion is to hide the (close to)TOP C-gear in the Luxuary Shop and only keep the lower C-grade stuff. Let people go out and find the TOP C-gear as well as B-gear that they need to fulfill their DV-role.

    ​Luxury shop IS low C grade..

    In a real ''classic'' environment where you get close to no adena, no drops, no spoils and don't have a dual box buffer (keep in mind this server here right now is x50, not x3) you won't say it's ''easy'' lol... i play KR classic server, you may talk like this is too easy but if they would remove the luxury shop you'd be uninstalling the game pretty fast trust me.


    getting that amount of crystals in a x3 server won't be easy at all, and if you ever drop that weapon you'll be crying for days. it's easy to talk like ''classic is so easy'' when you're playing a x50 beta or some x15 c1 servers lol. Maybe you should go test KR or RU classic see how long you last ;)

    ​You dont know my past, so shut it.

    I played the game early 2004, and yes it was hard as hell earning Adena, reaching lv 58 with an Orc Tyrant(yes the worst class in the game at that time, without a box or botting, so I sure lasted long ;) ). Still I thought the Luxuary shop was a sort of an excuse, to let you safely build up momentum, and then "when prepared", go for it.

    You say Luxuary Shop IS low C grade. I say, you ARE wrong. How low of a C-grade item is an Akat Longbow compared to an Eminence Bow, not low at all. So I definately think its appropriate thinking this idea over. And when you say "removing the Luxuary Shop will end up having players uninstall the game", thats your idea entirely, not mine. My idea was to ONLY show LOW c-grade items in the Luxuary Shop, not have it removed.

  2. Thats all fine, better 1 week extra, then going out Final and meet unexpected errors that were hiding around the corner. The server is at least accessible, so during this week everyone can continue experiment with different classes and look for more bugs(if they want).

    The progress from Dracla and the team so far has been really good, and the game is nicely playable now.

    • Like 1

  3. Yeah and this server is x3, and now x3 on rewards, so getting a fine D-grade shouldn't be an impossible achivement if you lost your gear somewhere in the game, just saying! And If that is not enough, be the "freezing bird" when you loose your gear, at least that time I feel its a legit reason to sit there trading your way back to where you were earlier.

  4. Exactly, having almost TOP C-gear in Luxuary Shop makes people only more keen on staying in town trading, building up momentum, rather then out partying. Force the people out of town, instead of letting them sit there like freezing birds! So that the PvP can flourish even more(!) when parties that look for better gear accidently stumble upon each other. :)

  5. I always thought it was a bit easy to get good gear by just visiting the Luxuary Shop in Giran and then basically be ready for DV.

    My suggestion is to hide the (close to)TOP C-gear in the Luxuary Shop and only keep the lower C-grade stuff. Let people go out and find the TOP C-gear as well as B-gear that they need to fulfill their DV-role.

  6. When doing the quest "Path to an Artisan" you are being told to go to the "Abandoned Coal Mines", when it is the Mithril Mines you should go to. Very misleading unless you look at the map.

  7. Many people are following the Beta progress, but doesn't feel for being a Beta tester themselves. Therefore it might look more empty at the moment. When everything is fixed and working smoothly, things are going change.

    Remember guys, you are playing Beta to check for bugs, not playing it like its final.

  8. When completing the quest "Chains of Slavery" at "Sentry Kristin" in DE Village the first time, a yellow "tutorial" question mark pops up, and when you click it, it disappears and nothing happens. If you complete the quest again the question mark doesn't reappear.

  9. The quest "Will the Seal be Broken?" tells you to hunt the following monsters in "School of Dark Arts":

    Omen Beast
    Tainted Zombies
    Stink Zombies
    Lesser Succubi
    Lesser Succubus Turen
    Lesser Succubus Tilfos

    But only 4 are correct. The first 2 are not correct. The last 4 are correct.

    The 6 correct monsters to hunt are:

    Onyx Beast
    Contortion of Lunacy
    Stink Zombies
    Lesser Succubi
    Lesser Succubus Turen
    Lesser Succubus Tilfos

  10. 1. Why does Gatekeeper Jasmine in DE Village offer to Teleport you to "Bloody Swampland (lv. 85)" for 480 Adena?

    2. When hovering over Gatekeeper Jasmine on the mini-map, you see her name, plus some strange symbolic characters directly after(see att. pic 00004.bmp)

    3. I made the choice to teleport to "Bloody Swampland (lv. 85)" and it took me to the "Swampland". But when I look on the map and the mini-map, it says "Region: Bloody Swampland" and "Bloody Swampland"(see att. pic 00005.bmp).

    4. Gatekeeper Jasmine in DE Village offer to Teleport you to "Northern part of the Marshlands", but thats wrong.
    Correct would be: "Northern part of the Swampland"



  11. The quest "Mass of Darkness" seems to be impossible to finish. I returned to "Abyssal Celebrant Undrias" with the following quest items:

    1 Ceremonial Dagger
    1 Dreviant Wine
    1 Garmiel's Scripture

    to fetch the reward, but he just said:

    "You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirements."

    Im stuck...

  12. Dark Elf Village:

    In the quest-text of quest "Return to Abyssal Celebrant Undrias" it says:

    "... Garmiel's scripture that are needed for the Mass. Take them..."

    Correct would be the following:

    "... Garmiel's scripture that are needed for the Mass of Darkness. Take them..."


    Just found this "not so important" error by pure luck :)


  13. Here are the necessary steps you need to take to be able to play the game:


    Step 1: Register an account(*) on the l2classic.club website. (It can take some time to register, so dont despair if you dont manage to log-in directly after. Give it some time)

    Step 2: Download the torrent from the l2classic.club website, and then the actual game(.zip format) through ex. the software "Bittorrent". (Which you will need to download and install)

    Step 3: Download the latest patch(.rar format) from the l2classic.club website.

    Step 4: Extract the game(.zip) into a new folder called for ex. "L2C". (Extract with the software "7-zip" or a similar one)

    Step 5: Extract the latest patch(.rar) into the same "L2C folder", and select "YES" when asked to overwrite existing files. (Extract with the software "7-zip" or a similar one)

    Step 6: Create a shortcut of the L2.exe file(example path to where you may find it: c:\L2C\system\L2.exe). Cut and paste the shortcut somewhere where its easily reached. (Your desktop)

    Step 7: Log in on your account on the website to make sure your account was created successfully. If it was, logout again, then proceed to Step 8. If not, wait a little longer and try again.

    Step 8: Launch the game! (A black screen may appear for awhile that eventually disappear after some time/loading, switching over to the normal "log-in screen")

    Step 9: Log in!

    (*)There are two types of accounts that you can create on the l2classic.club website, a game account and a forum account. In this case, make sure you are creating a game account.

  14. I vote for a fixed fee to set up your offline shop, that is based on char lvl. If possible

    ​Than it should be bot proof, like higher level - cheaper offline shop... or if opposite way than offline shop should be available from level 20 only.

    ​I think its better if they base the fee for setting up a shop, by a small percentage based on of how much Adena a character at a certain lvl has the possibility to bring in when farming in a most "common way".

    That way it will always cost you a fair sum of Adena, even if your lvl is 27 or 55. It would take some time to adjust this, but that way Adena will go out of the system, not only in, which in the end causes price inflation.

    However, the price difference for setting up a shop between different char lvls isnt going be drastically high. It needs to be an amount that doesnt make people choose to rather sell all their items via low lvl chars for most profit.

    • Like 1

  15. I vote for a fixed fee to set up your offline shop, that is based on char lvl. If possible, I would have added "that" towns taxrate on any profit made from selling.

    That way you wouldnt perhaps setup a shop on "enemy grounds", supporting them. Which in turn prevents clogging of certain "more popular areas for trading".