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Morim last won the day on November 20 2016

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112 Excellent


About Morim

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/03/1990

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  1. Morim

    I'm back!

    Thanks to all!. I don't know if i will have time to patch the game again, we will see!. See you ingame
  2. Hello guys, I just want to announce that I'm back! You can whisp me on Morim
  3. Morim

    ¡He vuelto!

    Pues eso gente, que he vuelto y me podréis encontrar en Morim, a ver si lo leveo como se merece.
  4. Morim


    Thanks mate! Good luck here.
  5. Morim


    ​ ​​The brothers. I'm glad to see you here on my thread. You know that you're special guys, and was not easy to say goodbye to this game and this server, but the real life is always a priority, and at the moment I'm not able to spend the time I think is necessary for this game. You will always have a friend here. You both are a great players, supportive and a very nice guys. I don't know what more to say, really. I'm really sorry to not say goodbay properly ingame, but I think the thread is enought and I don't want to make a montain of a rock. Life is priority, and you know it. BTW, I'm 99% I will play Star Citizen, because is a game which don't needs a lot of time as Lineage needs. We will see us there. Thanks all, Morim.
  6. Morim


    Thanks you all guys, Best of luck for all. Morim / Allanon
  7. Morim

    L2 Mods by Morim v3.9

    The mod will not continue. Reason:
  8. Hello players and Admins of this awesome server, I just open this thread to say goodbye. But not only of this nice server, goodbye to the L2's World. Why? Are you thinking right now. Because I received a job's offer and I will not have time to play any MMORPG, because we all know how much time this game needs. But is not only for that. In the next months my life will change radically. I will move to USA this July and I will get married there with my sweety girlfriend, so my duty is care of her, stay with her and spend time with her after work. That means less time to play, so I will be focus in another type of game which don't need the time and dedication that L2 needs. I want to use this post to thanks a lot of awesome player which this server have like ​Balu, HitsuDancer, Ssj4, Eloc, Lossarnach ​and many others that I realle liked to know. I wish you the best of luck in this server. Enjoy it, play it, and support the server and the Admin team, because is one of the best server I ever play and one of the best Admin team I ever see. In the Admin side, I want to specially thanks to Kse and Koll​ for all the work, hours, conversations and helps they give to me. They are awesome people and a very nice Admins. You must to care of them and be very gratefully to have a admins who really concerns what is happening in the server. With nothing more to add, this humble player wish all server's player the best of luck and a long and prosper experience in this server. The update is near, and you can't be in a best server. Never forget it. Thanks all, Morim / Allanon
  9. Morim

    PK Quest?

    Will be implemented with 1.3 update or bit later probably, i think.
  10. Morim

    Gracias Morim

    ​​Gracias socio, siempre es agradable leer cosas así sobre uno mismo. Aunque no era necesario, lo hago encantado Tu dedícate a subir el tanque ya...xD
  11. Morim

    L2 Mods by Morim v3.9

    ​Thanks for the suggestion. I will consider it.
  12. Morim


    Unos 1000 players o así calculo, más que suficiente, y ahora con la 1.3 vendrá más gente seguro. El servidor aún es joven. Hazte un personaje que te guste y no te aburra, porque si no... Nosotros buscamos gente: Un SWS nos vendría bien, pero como te digo, hazte lo que veas. Habla con Lossarnach ingame o entra al TS. ¡Saludos y bienvenido!
  13. Morim

    Cooldown stats

    ​DEX decrease cooldown of skills ? about WIT i can assure its not I'm really not completely sure.
  14. Morim

    Cooldown stats

    More specific like what?. For example UD are not affected by nothing.
  15. Morim

    Cooldown stats

    If I'm not wrong, depends of the skills. Magic skills are affected by WIT, and physical by DEX, generally. But some skills have same cooldown although you have more DEX or WIT.