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  1. Tera


    Hello, I know administration doing their best but why did we have BETA 1.0 if everything what has been tested was put to the trash bin? New files - okay, but better... how? Bugged stuff: Newbie Helpers - known; Server shutting down timer - known; Npc texts - known; Quest Window instructions what to do - in some quests monster names are mixed up, although it is a minor bug. For example: Trial of the Seeker. Kill Turek Orc General. Such mob does not exist on this server. You get quest item for killing Turek Orc Prefect; Second profession quests - You simply can not begin some of these quests. Example: Testimony of Life. Yep, I bet you know that; Test of Sagittarius - Killing Leto Lizardmen gives you Leto Lizardman Blood, but when the item stacks around 10 - 20, it simply vanishes and quest monster does not appears. Killed around 300 at this point. Go Get The Calculator - This quest is not even registered to the Quest Window. Monster statuses mixed up (Damage, movement speed, etc. INCLUDING DROPS) - Example: Every 5 or so monster Langk Lizardman Dwellings drops an item, try get some items in Abandoned Camps. Drop chance are higher in Abandoned Camps. Same Abandoned Camps archers deal too much damage. I understand, it is a hard work, but gm's, what is the point in our testing if as soon as you get a chance to get a little better files, you replace old ones with new, not tested ones? What if in the end of BETA 2.0 you will get "a little better ones" again? I support your work. You are trying to give us what we were missing for so long. Classic server. We respect You (except Spanish people, I hate those guys, JOKING ), so respect our testing. ADDITION_0 Adena - I know it is supposed to round off to x00 when monster drops it, but what is the point in that? Cruma Tower - Oh, where should I start... Ricenseo movement is bugged, Excuro - Movement, melee attacks, Snipe - following. But hey, at least Excuro and Eyeballs look better with this metadata (sorry for sarcasm, but could not hold myself)